Well I think addin a bonus of % damage against demi-humans in elite bows is needed since almost all the elite weapons have em...
LK spears and swords have a 7% os 5% more damage against demi-humans...
SinX daggers have it...
champs mace and knuckles have it...
why elite bows dont have it?? I think its offensive since the classes that are already kinda most used in PvP like sinx and LK and pallys and others get an elite weapon with a little % damage advantage and snipers that are already not very common and not very usable in PvP dont have it snipers deserve this bonus ... snipers do the elite quest as well so why not havin this added to the bow??
Last time I check the bonus of elite bow was +15 agi +15 dex unbreakable 4 slotted maybe addin the 7% damage against demi-humans will help a little ...
Even if most people will said its useless cause no one play snipers on PvP I think it should be added just to be fair with the sniper class
Thanks ^^
Take care