@Vera ty for your support<3 I was looking for ID; 1483 but it's fine I can find something else I'm just testing in game items. Also I'll see what I can do about the mammoth sprite since I used to do spriting, I should be able to fix it and give it to you guys. thnx for all the help! caio!
Iwas thinking about opening a SS/Guild Emblem/Sig shop. if you'd be interested please let me know.
Here's my first edited SS at fRO<3 I'm still scoping out spots, So be ready for more SS edits! <3
@Autopsies I've been a dev gm and head gm, I wouldn't doubt the capabilities of a server as elderly as this one. =P
@Bishop ty for the support, though the patcher did not fix the problem. I'll ask my guildies if the same happeneds for them.
@past; I checked the GM apps and unfortunately I don't think i could be much help to the staff already in place. as I can only speak english I feel it'd just get in the way. but good suggestion. I can tell you I have huge plans for my guild! you'll notice us soon! =3
ty cherry!
TY! =) I've been playing RO on and off since 2006. in 2010 i became head GM on ElysiumRO until the admin left for uni and the server died. I had quit after that only to make a return to RO as a forsakener =3 This place is fun and I hope to see you all in game!