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About Akanii

Akanii's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Akanii

    Top 5 Guilds

    Coolabah is Goon... jesus do u gusy have no real life experinces!! get out of ur room for once the internet isnt every thing!! and i hang near the pvp dude so come talk tome and i'll own you ^^ with my eyes shut and my fingers taped together ^^ ur all Noobs try playing a real server NOOBS!! Now I shall leave and never return to this topic ^^ I WIN NOOB's YA FUCKIN NOOB WHAT A BUNCH OF NOOBS NOOOB NOOOB NOOOB NOOOB NOOOB NOOB NOOOOOOOBAH... btw thats the only word i kow ya fuckin noob NOoooooooOOOOOoooooooOoOoOoOooooOOOOOOBBBBBAAAHHHHH'SSSsssSSSSssSsS!!
  2. Akanii

    Top 5 Guilds

    Yeah they fully owned you i dont think you even killed them! sound liek your a sore loser... and as for PRO yeah tehre pro alright they'll dominate any one in pvp or WoE and they ARE the best guild out... if u bais it purely on skill... no one i knwo has even been able to kill them once there the most Elite ive seen on teh server!! and btw if ur vs'ing a ninja it IS pretty fuckin cheap to have a GTB on... wheres teh challange in that.. u must b a noob... END OF TOPIC!
  3. Akanii

    Skoll Card

    kk thnaks man i just thought it was some glicth cuz soem gm said it was made to counter icepick and acid bomb... probally one of thsoe stupid noob GM's
  4. Akanii

    Skoll Card

    I was told BY A GM that skoll card was made to counter Icepick/Thanous and Acid Bomb... but so far its un effective against acid bomb anf i haveit evben botherd to try against a ice pick -_-... can you please fix thsi glicth or explain this problem thnaks
  5. Akanii

    Custom MVP cards

    That needs a update.... -_- its not complete any more... i wonder if any one acctually knows it all -_-
  6. Akanii

    Top 5 Guilds

    Coolabah Kids are Oviously the best guild out ATM they fully Dominated every time i've seen them those are deffintally some pro players. And we should deffintally do what Genesis said make bigger guilds like HUGE liek he said and have rivalreys with otejhr guilds and have pvp with them on certan maps all teh time hahaha what woudl be WICKID SICK + AWESOME!!!
  7. hey I recently donated for a Armon Ra card and then i fount out teh otehr day theres a custom mvp card that is always 10% for Kyrie, see I wouldnt have donated for a Armon Ra card if i knew that card existed so i feel pretty Ripped off, maybe you could have a list of the Custom MVP cards and what they do to prevent this from happing to unlucy people like me..... thnaks
  8. Akanii

    Elite NPC's???

    Hey can any oen post a list of where the NPC's are that tell you what you need for elite quest?? its an effort and a half to scan the whole map xP
  9. I'll buy incan for 15 kupons pm me on Akanee to negotioate
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