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Forsaken Elder
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About Sublime

  • Birthday 01/30/1991

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    Boston, Massachusetts.

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  1. I just finished editting it and making the ling shorter and fade out a bit into the clouds.
  2. Something I did by request for Satisfaction / Syringe. Crit & Rate please. ;; &Yeah, it's supposed to be a vector, but I fucked that up so.. For Syringe; Here's the link to siggie it. [IMG=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x69/somedude_010/satisfaction.png]
  3. Oh lord. You don't get it. Uh, I don't think so buddy.
  4. Then here once again comes the statement; Everybody has different opinions about everything. You're trying to make it ' better ' to your liking. Not to everyone's liking so technically it's not making it better. What you can view as good others can view as bad due to the fact that we each own seperate minds. You're only making 1 party happy. The other will dislike this.
  5. Finally you're openning your mind to reality. Now focus on these points; We see things differently so people will be against this and some will be with this. Some will think that there needs to be improvement, some thing there doesn't need to be any. Some think something can be done, something think nothing could be done. This will minimalize absolutely nothing because those against censorship will continue to be against it and will instead break the rules more in order to restore everything to balance. There has to be a balance between everything. Good and Evil, Fat and Skinny, Big and Small, Smart and Stupid so on and so forth. VapoRub, what you said makes no sense whatsoever. Alright, men may support women's rights. But do you see them bashing at others that don't support it? You are not of the race insult therefor you shouldn't even bother with it. It's quite racist thinking that the term offends the race, you basically are thinking that they're too weak to handle it. Sometimes, you have to mind your business. If it was there war then they wouldn't be calling eachother Niggas all the time. Don't tell me you'd yell at a black person for saying nigga to their best friend. MY TEXT IS ENTIRELY BOLDED, WTF ):
  6. Now, that was deep. - But also then here comes when I said, be ignorant every once in a while and ignore anything offensive. Hey, it didn't physically hurt you right? A faceless person trillions of miles away from you called you a ' Bitch '. So what? Obviously the person got off on your wrong foot, obviously the person doesn't know you in real life, and obviously the person can't do anything else. Absolutely everybody that could socialize with others and have friends, could too be yours. You just have to change the flow of your average personality every now and then to be able to blend in to their liking. You'd say ' Someone should like me for how I am ', but no. They won't if they don't. If you don't want to be against them all your life, then change with them if they refuse to change. You'd probably then say ' Why should I change for them? ', you'd change for them to obviously be the bigger person and learn to understand them correctly. Upon understanding them then you could befriend them, and what? +1 pts. for you. Right? You'll have someone to defend you every now and then even if in exchange you too defend them or correct them when deemed necessary.
  7. You all just don't get that this will never be resolved. People will always be against it, people will always penetrate new rules. This is a false vision you all seek. This is a lost argument and a lost cause. This is like asking for world peace, or world hunger to end. It could happen, but it just won't because not everybody would come to an agreement. Zeitgeist, you too are only feeding the flame that continues burning against this. Asking this to continue is worthless. The only reason I'm against this is because it's against the belief of others while swearing itself is against others too. There is no right or wrong in this situation. I could swear, so could you. The world will continue. It will not end. Stuff shouldn't be taken to the head, if it does, then that's where you fail, not the offender. Where the hell did the saying ' Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me ' go. Back then, that used to be the most mature thing to say in a situation in order to not bother replying to the person offending you, now, it just faded? Died out? Yeah, Damascus is banned. But no matter what I could just use Proxies, Neighbor's computers, false Identifications, New IPs etc.. and continue here. I fall, trying to make you all realize what the truth is so you'd maybe grow up and face reality.
  8. Icon, I hope you're raising them to play fRO. >:/ 'Cause Shawn promised me that we'd team up but he quit.
  9. Sexy. 10/10.
  10. Sublime

    Low Rate

    I'll make a porno and say ' The sex is just as good as Forsaken RO's Low Rate '. Any takers to be my assistant?
  11. Sublime


    You'll love it here.
  12. 1. vector A digital art style that uses vector software, such as Adobe Illustrator, and Flash. Vector drawings, unlike pixel drawings, are done using the pen tool, which creates "paths" that are seen as points (like on an x and y axis) by your computer. Because of the fact that they are paths and not pixels, you could zoom in on a vector picture without it getting that ugly pixelly look. (This will not work, however, if you copy a vector drawing into a non-vector program (raster program) such as Paint or something, and zoom in. Then you will see pixels.) While Photoshop does have a pen tool, if you make a "vector" with it, you will not be able to scale your image to whatever size you want. Some people argue that this means that they are not vector images. Others argue the opposite. Finding a cool looking image on the internet, and clicking filter, artistic, cutout, in photoshop does not create a vector image. With a vector image, you can manipulate your colors to suit your picture. A cutout gives you no control of this, and a lot of them aren't even very recognizable; just a bunch of colors. There are also vexels, which are like vectors, except they are made in raster programs, such as photoshop. This, however, should be an entire definition in itself, written by someone who knows more about the subject. Let's review, shall we? A vector is a work of aart made in a vector program (or, as some would argue, with the use of a pen tool in any program that has a pen tool) The cutout tool does not create a vector. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=vector
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