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About Okanagan

Okanagan's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. well then... whats the point of playing when you spent years working for everything you had.. then taking a long break.. coming back to the game and you have nothing. What a waste. Not to mention the help I provided for the server.. What a kick in the nuts.
  2. rumor? explain please.
  3. Oh? PM me then..
  4. Hey peeps, its Tick here, I quit over a year ago and I decided to come back and say hi to everyone as a surprise.. Logged on my account and realized I have nothing left in there... so I am just wondering what had happened? Was there something that happened and did other people get hacked? Please inform me what is going on.. if any of you remembered me.. I did have ALOT of stuff.. and rares... to sum it all up.. I had everything.. literly. So any help? What happened? What did I miss?
  5. Hey everyone, this is Tick aka Shawn. Just wanted to let everyone know, that I am leaving the beautiful community of Forsaken RO. I really enjoyed my experience here and have met pretty awesome people since I started here a few years ago. I have moved on to a different game overall that I play when I can.. That game is called Dungeon Fighter. I enjoy it alot! I hope you all dont miss me, but just want you all to know that I will be missing you. I have led lots of guilds in the past and supported fun ones as well. I know this is in the wrong section to say my proper goodbye in, but I wanted everyone to know that I am no more! For people wondering what I will be doing with my accounts / Items / riches... I will leave them on my accounts. I will not give anything out due to it might destroy or alter the economy. I am sorry for this, but it only makes sense to me. I really enjoyed my stay, even being on the GM team for a good chunk of my stay was quite an experience. I support Genesis and the GM team no matter what, they are all doing a great job. I'll keep this nice and short. If anyone needs to get ahold of me, you can email me at shawnklass@gmail.com I will miss you all. Farewell Shawn aka Tick
  6. Okanagan

    Wasp Trap

    N> Help. Strategic points? /wrist Tell me about it, my wife wont even go outside in the back yard...
  7. Okanagan

    Wasp Trap

    Actually. There is still tons around, That trap did get alot but seems like the same amount is till flying around...
  8. Wishing your family the best, ol' man. <3

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  9. Okanagan

    Wasp Trap

    So I baught an old house since my newer house burnt down in a forest fire recently.. and this new place is 60 years old, but is huge. The yard hasn`t been worked on in over 7 years.. The grass is up to my stomach high and weeds up the ying yang. One thing I did notice was the HUGE amount of Wasps all over the place. I decided to try out a wasp trap that I purchased for $12 at the hardware store.. This is what it looked like after 8 hours of being left on freshly cut grass... I am pretty sure that trap is working.. don't you think?
  10. OMG, tell me you're coming back!!!

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  11. Woo More! http://www.break.com/index/kid-demonstrate...allel-park.html http://www.break.com/index/kid-swings-from-crane-hook.html http://www.break.com/index/crazy-man-runs-onto-f1-track.html http://www.break.com/index/dogs-attack-two...-reporters.html http://www.break.com/index/the-ultra-deep-field-in-3d.html
  12. Okanagan


  13. Okanagan


    Oh by the way, I just tested out a fully geard, Thanatos user.. TK Weapon.. Taekwon on the emp in a Euro WoE. Sinx's EASILY out broke the emp. Meaning TK classes do not compare dmg wise vs Sinx. So why not add leap?
  14. Haha, I am pretty sure I just watched that video again.... Ewwwww Whyyyy
  15. Okanagan


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