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Everything posted by dlsygaco

  1. I was still freaking new when 1st generation guilds where there. I used to see RoyalMafia as pros and when i became geared enough, i joined predicament and loli. I miss the old days. I miss iris too. i also rmmber this guild with a name fruit in them. very good topic :[ so as a classification, i was a 2nd generation person. +1
  2. wow. i cant believe fRO is 6 years old. 2 years+ since i last played then ._.
  3. hope to see you around too dude. gotta be patient now :/ back to zero. haha
  4. thanks guys :) i rmmber i started with lucius armors xD Whatever happened to the old guys :( people in predicament/ loli kingdom :(
  5. thanks man. I really appreciate it. xD
  6. Hi. Im planning to play again in fRO. I played back then maybe years ago. my IGN was xonchu. If anyone else or old players remember :) And i wanted to know if there is any way i could get back up again? back then was ygg farming and stuff. Is it still a way to get back up? Maybe I got lied to by my friend who may be still playing right now about my items back then. So i would like to play and start a new. I need to know if i can cope up with the economy right now. I still have my character from back then but sadly its empty since my friend had all my items and he told me that account got banned. Soooooooo. HI! :D Am i still welcome?
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