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About andz2mai

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  1. oh ok. i thought the drop rate was higher than 1% before. thanks
  2. Thanks guys. However, I still cannot loot memory book. I've tried all the options you guys said but I got the same result... I guess, this needs to be seen by the admin.
  3. I've been killing all the monsters from ratemyserver list that drops memory books. However, For 30mins, I haven't gotten even 1. I saw from @mi that it has only 1% chance only which really sucks...is this a bug or something? can someone tell me where to hunt for this? maybe there's a custom monster that drops this item or what. Thank you for your help!
  4. Hi, first, I wanna say Happy holidays.. then, to my questions. lol 1. I want to @ali multiple items at once. How to do that? 2. How can I expand my skill bar? Like, I can visually see all the Skill Bars at once. Not just 1 column. I did pressing the f12 but It will just switch to different 1 bar. and lastly, can I setup battlemode manually? like the keys I want to. Thank you.
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