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Forsaken Council
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About Sapphirel

  • Birthday 02/01/1989

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    Under your bed...

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Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. I miss you Ranny =[ , Stride here LOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLO XDD, Im sure you, I'm sorry i didn't get to talk to you much, I hardly go on forums X_X.

  2. OMFG!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! COME BACK RANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=[!!

  3. Sapphirel


    Well, I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but I already left for quite sometime now. I had some major issues with my university and now I am forced to work twice as hard, leaving my social life to crumble into dust. Well, I guess it could be worse and good thing it didn't. I should get back online soon, but not as the account I usually use. And no sorry, I ain't giving away stuff. If you see someone with my name on it, its definitely NOT me. I gave my whole account and other stuff to a dear friend of mine, so don't bother. To those people whom I owe a few stuff, I'll return it when I get the chance. For now, I'd just say my goodbyes properly. Special thanks to: Mike/Ami Walshy Ken (Epic) Influence guild and to all the other good people in here, continue rocking on!
  4. Get a sniper/Stalker and bow them to death if you don't have GTB. With their poor HP, I seriously doubt they can ever win without wasting YGGs. Yggs? Yeah they can carry about a few. I saw one carry around 100 pcs, provided that he had at least 99 str or so but his damage was crap. With your range, I seriously doubt you'll lose. Depends on your playing style though, A good wiz might resort to some other tactics, you'll just have to bear with it,
  5. Itenz plx. /gg Just kidding :< Don't go plox. /sob
  6. 9/10 because I'm sexier than you. /gg
  7. Granted. Way to contradict yourself. God brought divine punishment on you and you were never reincarnated ever again, forever trapped on the 7th pit of hell. I wish I wasn't bored.
  8. Based on the Seek and Destroy guild duel against Influence last time, I'd say Paladins didn't do much against them event with full 135% reflect. Their coordination were superb (a whole net cafe of a**holes bragging about them being the best), having everything prepared by all means possible, meaning to say having SL buffs, FCP, and other stuffs. They kept on SBing everytime, and my reflect was completely useless. They should have been dead already but Kaizel probably prevented them from falling. I saw myself tanking 5 SB sins at the same time, all with Kiels and deadly YGG rates. I can survive 2 SBs, all of it dealing around 300k-400k damage, but 5 SBs is simply overkill. And if they did die by reflect, they'll just stand up again because of SL buffs. Yes dispel makes them run away, but they come back later with more YGGs and more SL buffs. Its just pointless trying to struggle. That was against our 2 Profs, 1 Champ, and 2 paladins. And they said "No need to fight now. Our team already won." Like TopGun said, you just can't beat their party of 5 SB sins and 1 LK. Unless you bring the whole other guilds to kill them. But simply put, SB has become a whole lot deadlier compared to Sac and Asura. Unlike Sacrifice and Asura, SB can have a specific element, meaning to say, they can get past GR. If you haven't seen it yet, try SB coma build made popular by one of the SaD members. I really don't give a damn about this campaign, but I will get back on every SB sin from SaD soon. Just you wait.
  9. I'd be boiling mad if we're on Punk'd. Seriously. Oh well, I won't discuss anything regarding this matter anymore.
  10. Sapphirel


    -bump- Offers still up! Elite weapons are all worth 90-100 coupons (except Katar and WS Dagger), but I'll be willing to make exceptions/discounts. Sure buyers only!
  11. I kinda mistook the M for a V, but its all good. 8/10
  12. cut the crap f00. Learn to pay some respects plox. Do that or GTFO pls. Say your apologies now. Why do you hate her so much? Trying to get attention? Haven't you got enough from in-game?
  13. Yes, I'm trying to make it good at least, not even a slightest trace of sarcasm. Anyway, my condolences.
  14. Sad to hear that. I am truly sorry. I hope she's happy wherever she is now. See you soon Bekkie. /sob
  15. Sapphirel


    Selling: Elite paladin Spear 1-handed 20 Pcs Ghost Pokeballs (empty) 20 Pcs Forest Pokeballs (empty) 20 Pcs Desert Pokeballs (empty) leave offer and IGN here or PM Blessed Sapphirel
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