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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by El7

  1. El7

    Count To 3000

  2. El7

    Count To 3000

  3. El7

    Count To 3000

  4. El7

    Count To 3000

  5. El7

    This Or That?

    Spoon and Fork Serious or Funny?
  6. El7

    Count To 3000

  7. El7

    Buying Sinx Crit

    Still Buying Sinx Crit leave price/IGN
  8. El7

    Count To 3000

  9. El7

    Count To 3000

  10. El7

    Count To 3000

  11. El7

    Count To 3000

  12. Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible.

    1. thePast


      You mean they who can see ghost and such? o.o

  13. El7


    Before my ping is low (140-150) and my net is not upgraded yet but now it became 200 above even my net is already upgraded. What happen?
  14. 1 part only.
  15. •Forsaken King Parts• Forsaken Parts [95 each in players] +10 Forsaken Parts [75-80] Forsaken Parts in NPC [100] •Cards• Main Cards TG=35-40 TAO=65-75 FBH=40-50 FSOLD=100-200 KIEL=70-80 THANA=5k-6k Tanee=10-20 Skoll=5-10 Hollow-5-10 GR=5 Dwar=5-10 Dwiz=5-10 GEC=10-15 OH=5 Ifrit=40-50 VR=40-50 WS=40-50 Mforge=50-70 Incan=10-20 GTB=5-10 Maya=5-10 MayaP=3-5 LK=40-50 RSX=5 Bacso=30 Phree=5 OL=10 Sinx=50-70 VR=40-50 •Auras• Green Emp=500-700 Purple Emp=900-1k Orange Emp=1k-1.5k Blue Emp=1.5k-1.8k Rare Emp (Majestic,Red,Black,White etc)=5-10k above Zodiac Aura Legendary Aura=20-30 Original Zodiac=80-100 (not sure) Butterfly Aura (Depends on color) =800-1.5k Rune of Power (Depends on color)=800-1.5k •Legendary Quest Weapons•= 30-40 •Donation Belts• Forsaken Belts=140-150 New Belts (Slotted)=1.7k-2k
  16. El7

    Buying Sinx Crit

    Leave Price/IGN
  17. Can you make this two event 2x or 3x in a day? Morning, afternoon and night. My reason of suggesting this is other players can't join because it's too early or late for them so if they are not available in morning they can join in the afternoon or night and of course to make the game intense and exciting everyday.
  18. +1
  19. Just want to suggest to move it or lessen the flags inside the castles because in WoE I always click those flags accidentally and die because of those flags.
  20. El7

    Guild Osfa

    Is Selah still playing?
  21. El7

    Guild Osfa

    Who's the Guild Leader?
  22. El7

    Guild Osfa

    Who's the Guild Leader?
  23. Still alive?
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