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I was here 4-5 months ago. Hi again, I go by Beaker ingame. Maybe some will remember, anyways have a nice day.
Here is the problem with this reply, especially near the end. You stated I made assumptions, and while reading back, apparently assumptions were implied by me, I disagree, please quote them. But then you said that I haven't been here long enough. I don't agree that I can accept that as a valid excuse for my criticism. Because I can simply say that you, or everyone here for the matter has been here far longer than me and are on a bias because they aren't or wouldn't be tentative (Veracity quote); but I'm not, because it's not reasonable. However, you guys on the other hand can comfortably say such and such because of seniority. However, I'm not gonna get to that. I got the feel of the server as soon as I began PvPing, regardless of how long I've been here, I've been everywhere and there are servers I've been to far similar to this. Everything I said are in regards to this server, nothing else. I may have implied my comparison to other servers, but I may have been making a vague example. Adjust to it? I've never been able to adjust to any form of instant healing in any kind of battle (Even on the official server, I'm actually geared and a top tier player to not need them, not that gears actually matter here since the "top" gear only give HP). On top of that, people are running away from battles consistently. I can deal with Hit and Run tactics, because that is a valid tactic to use while in a battle, all it takes is the right tools to counter it. But literally teleporting away from a battle just to heal is something that, I believe, some people including me does not like. The best players on ladder rely on yggs and spam, where is the strategy. <--- Not relevant, but felt like it should be there. Basically you ask for more of my personal opinions on the subject matter, just to shut them down. The reason why I am limiting what older players might say, is to remove the bias of seniority. Instant healing is a never ending battle, there is no skill involved; just spam. I see that I cannot compete with seniority (Even though I said I would not mention that). Even with a laid out claim, majority of the rebuttals are various variations of the same thing, and since I have no one on my side, I guess it's pointless, because the only thing I get from half of these responses is "why" and the questions are aiming at me personally, and those are responses I cannot reply to simply because all I can say personally is "I don't know, I just dislike it", this type of comment would make me instantly bias which is what I want to prevent, but I guess there is always bias regardless. So the only way my argument will no longer be bias is if I play longer? That's not how it works. You say I make assumptions, please quote me on those assumptions, and I will clarify. I have not said anything in regards to other servers except for the fact that I said I played many servers. I even stated that yggs are rather necessary when it comes to low rate, but I immediately made an opposing point when it came to this. Sure, don't worry about the "entire server remake", but I do have ideas for decent item modifications and nerfs to balance this system more decently. Since seniority follows seniority, I will play longer and get the "feel" and "adapt" to this server. Since I don't know any better, as a "newbie", I will learn as much as can before coming back with this suggestion again. I'm not dropping this subject easily; do expect more drawn out suggestions from me in the future when I am no longer a "newbie". Next time my points will have no bias, and adhere to every point made here. I now know the biases I'm going to face later on. My take away from the main point I've seen, is "suck it up". The question of yggs is now balance, the point of this thread is null. I do not see a reason to continue this discussion.
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@chihaab Explain your position @shadi I will respond more later, but I have vast knowledge of server creation as I have owned as administered one in the past and have served as a Senior GM in others. I know fairly well how my suggestions were when I laid them out. I think you over exaggerated it just a bit too far. I will explain why this is not a server remake Your first point. I do not want all of them altered, even if that we're the case, it is not a source modification. It takes an edit in the item_db in the SQL database which is far different from a source edit, thus meaning this is doable. Point two, no, I am not asking for an item modification, I asked for a class damage nerd as in regular output damage per class. If the items were to be edited, the only thing I'd change about them is the ATK and not the effect. I am at work now so I will edit this post later on to fill your other points.
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@kuoch Thank you for actually responding to the points I made in my post with your own counterpoints. You mention that there may be some douches along the way, but that having pk maps can be beneficial to the community. I agree. There's nothing worse than having a server of people that just either don't communicate or hate eachother. I can somewhat withdraw what I said about removing pk in maps. Yes, unbalanced gear, so why don't they get balanced, or better yet, balance out the classes and certain cards so that it can be more beneficial than changing he gears themselves. So you're saying that the yggs are a way to balance the unbalanced gear? That's kind of an interesting way to put it. The problem lies not in the yggs but in the gears themselves then. Why don't they stray away from just having forsaken set, and better yet, take off the freeze immunity from thy set and make people have to use stat resists. I can see that this thread will soon be about the balance in pvp. Your post has me slightly convinced, they are all valid, but I cannot respond to them since I'm currently at work. Thanks!
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You're implying thy there are many "good" sinx on this server. But I'm looking in a broader sense, not just "good" in a narrow sense. But my sinx comment was quite narrow so ill give you that. So basically, we're not talking about yggs anymore; this is more of a pvp thing now. I asked the question as to why is there a pvp room but the popular pvp hangout is a pk map. Why not just have pk on normal maps removed instead to make this thread progress a lot easier. Sure this is a pvp server, but that's why there are pvp rooms. If this was the case, having a limit set on yggs would be beneficial in that scenario or remove yggs from pvp and make useful changes to the classes specifically like modifying their stats. Keep the pvp in the pvp room and most of the frustrations and arguments would be adhered to and make this argument a bit less bias. Because then it would only be the case of their usage to heal in pvp. Which I do not agree too. Being healed to max at any instant is cheap, an that is my personal bias. It's because that they are allowed, is why people constantly teleport away to replenish, so remove them from the equation and let other healing items come into to the picture. Yes, they can teleport away, but removing yggs will discourage that because it would show how undignified they are about losing. Lets keep the ladder and player biases out of this equation and focus on how t can affect pvp in just the pvp room if in theory, pk from normal maps were removed. This is also why commands like @duel exist. Back to your previous reply, I feel it is the players that change, the items are just items. New items would definitely be subject to change; it's about how the players adapt to it.
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@mint We are still talking class specific again? That's why I also suggested an increase in heal ability for the secondary healing items such as blue pots. An for your comment on Sinxs, you have many loopholes: 1. It's pvp, so you're going to die regardless of the speed, so if a sinx kills someone in a few seconds, then this links directly to my "we deal too much damage" section (if you read my whole thread). Just use undead/shadow/poison armor or other form of resist or cloak and run like they do. Plus the player can always come back and come after them; SinXs are strong, but not invincible. 2. I suggested a limit to the yggs held OR a delay, in the long run, if a delay were to be made it wouldn't matter because everyone supposedly does die fast. Reason being because of the constant ygg spamming. No one expects themselves to be invincible and live forever in a pvp environment. Besides, like most people, as I stated, on the brink of death, they teleport away undignified. This relates to the changing of all classes HP modifiers or damage modifiers, even changing the formula for edp is an option. I am not being bias, I am only being reasonable. While I understand your point of the situation, I am still not convinced.
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I am not tackling class specific. But here goes. Champs don't need Asura to win, they can FO or Combo Asura, or use BLUE POTS. Champs are not good because of Asura spam. Get Lady Tannee, get blue pots. Classes that naturally use more Yggs, and your example is SinX, lol. SinX's cloak, backslide, run away, and attack when they are EDP'd most of the time, I think it's better if they don't heal quickly because that's why they dominate the PvP. It's not fair that SinX get a big power boost for a few minutes and can hide on top of that, unhide anyone that's cloaking and thanks to delay reductions, spam Sonic Blow on top of each other which can produce a good 20k per hit? Interesting. Even so, it is a good suggestion even up till now, because it is only a suggestion. The only things that changed are the players.
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Anyways, I read and reviewed the previous suggestion about the Ygg berry disable thing and I have to admit, I'm a little shocked that some people haven't actually taken the time to think rationally and answer in a more narrow sense to the situation. Most of the responses I read from that thread were far to broad and much too vague to make any valid points; most were also flames and personal bias. You must understand that this is for the server and not the any personal player. ==== -Saying that "this is a high rate server" is a weak argument. -Saying that HP modifier is too low is a weak argument unless you have something decent to back it up. -Saying that a class will be OP is also weak, because there can be adjustments set to balance it; I don't know what those balances may be, but it will have to be suggested. -Saying that "Oh, it's a PvP server and official servers do this" is also a very weak argument because it is too broad and vague. -Saying that "Oh, you're just too lazy to farm or buy yggs" obviously shows lack of imagination and will never make a valid point, because I personally am not lazy (however this thread is about the server and not me) and do not respond to flame. -Saying that "It's been this way, deal with it" is weak as well because there are things that can be tentative, and saying you don't want any changes means you may be stubborn and in turn don't want to "deal with it". (This is a server suggestion, not a suggestion just for YOU.) -Saying that "Have you ever PvP'd WITHOUT berries" is invalid because yes, I have pvp'd without berries and used only my personally brewed ranked pots to keep be alive. But in a more broad sense, it is unimaginative. -Saying "We like things the way it is", sorry, that argument is something I cannot accept because it really isn't a "we" thing is it? ==== People rely on healing far too much (This is why there are supportive classes like Creator and Priest, which can also be used as PvP classes), so I think the PvPers should get a reality check. MAKE USE OF THESE CLASSES. You're not good because you can do amazing DPS and at the same time heal 24/7 and never die, but when you're on the brink of death; simply warp away because you don't want to die. The damage is high? Get Resists. You have crap HP? Get modifiers. Whatever! ==== So here is my claim. Do not disable the use of Yggs, but limit the amount that can be held at one time or add a delay after the use of a ygg.. or ANY healing item for that matter. For the sake of it, add a delay for healing item use for all healing items. But I do stick by my suggestion of limiting the amount to be held, so that people can not run into storage and grab more (this applies to pvps out of the PvP room and WoE since commands are disabled in the PvP Rooms). Also, that 150 ygg gift crap that can be abused by remaking the character; yeah, could that be lowered to say... 25~50? If this is the case, then reduce that +1000% healing for bacsojin to a much more reasonable modifier, because that is just ludicrous. But then again, the yggs make that card obsolete for everyone, even Priests. Other healing items should be a part of the "PvP Inventory" as I call it. Less abusive things like Blue pots and Condensed white potions; these things can also be player made by the Alchemist class and also receive a rank for their creation. The higher the rank, the more they replenish. These secondary item's should have a boost in healing power if yggs were to still remain. ==== Why are commands disabled there anyways if no one even goes there? (I've been there a couple times to check it out, but no one is ever there.) Why is it that it is stated that "for_fild01 is the popular hangout for pvp" when there is clearly a PvP room that can be used. ==== I see that my suggestion might seem like a rant, and in a sense it is, but I want to get down to why it is all maps are PK and on top of that, we have a PvP room that disables commands. (I see it has been this way for years, regardless, I stick to my point.) I have not been here long however, I am an avid PvPer from multiple servers and the fact that I play Official JapanRO and a top player at that; I understand why it is vital to have berries when use for WoE etc, but no one has tackled the actual problem yet. ==== People are saying "We die to soon" or "Look at the damage we cause". Well shit, here's a logical solution I can put out.. 1. Increase HP/SP Modifiers for classes reasonably by source modification. 2. Decrease damage output for all class by % when in PK/PvP/GvG/etc maps. (Although, damage in WoE should already be reduced by default) 3. Get better resists or stop whoring kiels to make way for resists. 4. Invest on Stat foods (Get cookbooks, make your own food) 5. Use armors that are not Forsaken King (Who gives a fuck about the slots, because I'm sure there are better things than +10%HP/SP and +10 all stats; also if that's the case, why not make all armors two slotted "just for the sake of BALANCE", why do you think people rely on yggs so much? *sarcasm*.) 6. Don't go to PvP (Do not use this against me, because I love PvP, however this thread is not about me.) 7. Make a nerf on Thanatos, because that seems to be where some of the damage is coming from. (Make it so it's damage is increased based on soft def, rather than hard def. Soft Def = Vit Based, Hard Def = Armor Based so [ Def 000+000 is Hard Def + Soft Def]) 8. Idk, disable thanatos in WoE? <--- Kind of far-fetched, but reasonable in a broad sense. 9. Balance Kiel and the natural delay of skills so that it is not so dependent on kiels to win. (Such as changing their slot location) Back on Topic ==== Sure, pvping for a few seconds before your inevitable death might not be satisfying, but things can be subject to change to make it more lasting and enjoyable without relying so much on the berries. There can be balance changes and nerfs to be done. If the idea of balance changes and nerfs are dissatisfying or would take too long, then I would personally argue that, that is just laziness on the higher ups part, and possible stubbornness on the player's part. (Do not take this as an offense, this is merely my logical opinion.) tl;dr? Limit yggs held or add delay after ALL healing item's use. Make healing items less predominant much more useful such as Condensed Whites I have done my best to tackle any possible weak argument responses I might receive henceforth, so if there is something I did not mention that may be useful in this discussion, feel free to bring it up and I will respond. What say you? Please convince me with well thought-out responses and arguments.
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False TPBM likes pudding.
Once upon a time, it was 12.21.12
... the person above is a big dork!
The person above me has a cool Siggy.
Why does the token shop say it's effects are MaxHP +15% and MaxSP+20% on the token shop when that obviously isn't the case ingame? If this is the case, then I was given the wrong Skull Cap [2] when I donated for it. I did an @ii and there are two Skull Cap's ingame. I do not want this Skull Cap that gives me +7 Str and aspd crap. I will email support and please do not make this mistake next time when you deliver the items.
Granted, but you were robbed by poring. I wish for an ideal world.
Hai there, I have been playing for a few days now but I'm just stopping by for an official hello!! My name's Mei and I hope to meet some nice people and join a decent guild! (pvp is kinda extreme here lol x.x) anyways yeah theres that sooooooo see you sometime :D if you see Beaker, holla!
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