alright u can follow the #1 LK on the server leonidas build xD 35k x2 bowling bashes ftw [=
get ur fset and slap on 3 kiels, and a maya P on headgear
armor - tao+GR, OL-OL,
shield- GTB, usakoring
weapon - incantation, 2 TG, 1 skel worker
garment - 2xraydric, 2x skoll
shoes - 2 FBH
2 str belts and ur set!!
str- 280's, multiples of ten
dex- at least 150 dex with 450+ hit
agi- until 195 atkspd
rest into vit
put like 30 or 40 into INT cause ur gonna be using ygg for sp more than hp most of the time