Hmm 300 hours, 400 hours? You guys need to start working... I am currently on my 6 or 7th character, with approx 1k+ hours in total clocked in over the various characters (some I didn't play for long, was just testing a build, like the 2nd to last one I put in 100 hours just getting it lvld and everything, only to decide the build just wasn't working for me. So I switched hehe <3)
I really should get it for the PC (I have it for the 360), it would make character creation/lvling prep a lot simpler and more efficient, but I've basically gotten all the tricks I need to lvl quickly on the 360. I just really have 2 reservations: buying all the expansions...again (I've got them all on the xbox), and the annoyance of getting them to work on vista...
Anyway, the game is incredibly fun, you can play it time and again and it's pretty fresh. My first run or two I didn't do the main quest either, I know how that is :D It's a pretty deep game, like Morrowind was. Hopefully it won't be too long after Fallout 3 that they get working on V.
(Yeah curses on me, old topic, but ES deserves it :P)