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Forsaken Elite
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About jan

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Profile Information

  • Location
    at my computer
  • Interests
    eat<br />work (sleep)<br />eat<br />work (sleep)<br />eat<br />work (sleep)<br />eat<br />work (sleep)<br />eat

Previous Fields

  • Ingame Character Names
    LotusRJ, R0WENA
  • Guild
    none atm

jan's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. u better go for elite set atm... f. set are expensive. like what MAC said + cloak of what xef said = for the cards
  2. how about samurai champloo?
  3. ohh WTH!! QQ
  4. http://mangablogz.blogspot.com/2009/06/end...ry-spoiler.html - cool spoiler
  5. jan

    Carpe Noctem

    like what he said... follow-up your orders there... thnx
  6. ohh? how about adding this one =D first quest: sinx - osi stalker - phree LK - doppel champ - DL HW - DL HP - Bacso Paladin - OH clown - garm gypsy - moonie sniper - eddga prof - ESL creator - LOD WS - drake ninja - incan GS - drac SL - bapho thnx
  7. jan

    Selling some card

    ill buy d. wiz card... pm me in game: Rojashan about 3-5 hours from now.. im still at work =D
  8. jan

    Euro WoE...

    @euro players = must decide, coz they are the one who where given that chance to woe, but cnt due to schools, works, luv life, etc... let the euro players decide this.. not americans(pardon me) coz, americans do have woe on there own, like they have exact time which they can all login... iono, but let euros decide this... for me, let it be change for the benefit of the euro players, which this event is for them... "euro WoE" ryt? even though i cant woe, but i still go for the decisions of every euro players... =D thumbs up for ya guys =D
  9. jan

    Something Useful

    gstorage = own storage! please! =D
  10. jan


    5%? thats too lil! its just like the HP book! and priest has more HP compare to gypsies and clowns... look, if a gypsy has: 120k hp +15% on that is only 18k.. 150k +15% = 22.5k 18k - 22.5k = only 1 righ hand hit on sinx -/+ 1 left hand hit... yeah, i know and some know that i dun have gypsy, or clown... but i got some points on the previous discussions. as for me, i think its the best options if ever, the modification of HP of gypsies and clowns will be hard... soo might as well as put some additional HP on shoes or on elite weps... its very useful to them... and the weps are immune to WS(i think)... dam! my english are bad! sorry for that =D
  11. jan


    how about adding HP bonus to Whip and Harp? like +13-17%?? or also adding card which states if HP=<150k ??% damage reduction to demi-humans? - need to be higher than usakoring in that way, not only gypsies will get the chance to have the bonus but also like GS? or? HP boost? which is better?
  12. how about +?? vit? much needed for GS...
  13. jan

    waterball scroll?

    uhmm.. is this already suggested? its like the fcp scoll, so that wiz with the "waterball hat" iono what is that called, can spam without the help of ninjas or prof's... 1 click = lvl 1?2?3? deluge is it ok? suggestions/reactions or contradictions is ok... just dont flame... thanks...
  14. pm me in forums or in game - sold OL time : 11:30 - 13:30 server time pm R0WENA
  15. jan

    This or that

    5 $_$ Backstreet Boys or Britney Spears? :blush:
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