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Everything posted by waterintoblood

  1. +1 Make a pink dragon helm pls
  2. Uhmmmm?? what's the use of nerfing it when it doesnt do as much damage as the other weapons, The new spear spams Bowling Bash faster than this.
  3. Start using stave crasher, get another weapon and two fallen bishops. Problem solved... Just sayin
  4. I'm Gunning for you bitch, you know who you are.

  5. Three Choices: Thanatos+ Turtle Genreal+ Turtle General + Skeleton Worker OR Turtle General+ Turtle General+ Skeleton worker+ Skeleton Worker OR Incantation Samurai + Turtle General + Turtle General+ Skeleton Worker You're Welcome -DDH
  6. Sometimes It'll take a few days.
  7. LOL i do buff, and i got tarrots that dispell me. HAHA either way i also fought fair and shit! :P i got giap dispelling me as well LOL! i guess u havent seen the time that i actually tanked 7 people attacking me, you can ask JEFF or CAROL. u might be a new player and dont know much. you think james it the est because he is stubborn enough to stay as a gunslinger after this nerf. and yeah i see a lot of pro's saying my name i knda like this topic. oh and i see you are from fagnaught miggy lol.. u complain i buff trying to make me look immoral and shit while u and ur pussy guild starts warping when darkside's mindbreak vanish :)
  8. i guess some of you forgot the category included "was" im pretty sure Drop Dead Handsome decapitated every gs in that top 5 list
  9. if i ever try to play the game through administrator, the screen is so small and i am not able to change its resolution...
  10. my alt shortcuts have't been saving for over a week now.. it saves if i log out of my account but if i exit the game it all reset back to the "/" commands, whats wrong and how do i fix it?
  11. You GM's better make up for all this, you made the only class im good at a joke.
  12. lol multiple people telling me "so much lag" in woe and no gs is there to cause it :) howbout you decrease our spam in woe, and leave our spam back to 0 in PVP, i dont mind woeing with a non gs character
  13. <3<3<3 GS sooo people lagg in woe... why am i not lagging in woe? :P
  14. please explain why is my woe experience fine?
  15. ofcourse you agree with taking away the normal spam man. u got in my way and i had to deal with u myself lol
  16. people starts crying that they cannot kill gunslinger specially when the gunslinger comes close.. simple solution FIND A PROFF AND LAND PRO US.. we dont complain to the GM that we land pro screw us over. and in woe if they lag they should try effects off duh!?
  17. And I mean gunslinger "seems" overpowered but its not. i literally think the clown is over powered. the clown may tank and spam tarrot and that 4 arrow vulcan trick. that hurts bad, and now my gunslinger cant even fight a SIN-x due to slow spam. my gunslinger may not be completely geared but it backed itself up by its spam. The real spam needs to come back
  18. bring normal gunslinger spam back, specially us gunslingers as our main we spend time and effort to gear our gunslingers. and now that cast delay is increased, i feel like my gunslinger is useless. many people are quitting gunslingers cuz of this i hope you bring the normal spam back.
  19. for the love of jews will everyone stop fighting about the ninja vs WS or ninja vs all jobs... its just a god damn game, i saw that fight yeah the ninja spam's tatami and circada, i see its a bit unfair, if u cant kill the ninja with another class make a fucking WS, if u cant kill the ninja with a WS run, no reason to abuse BC with all that.. forsaken is based on the REAL/ORIGINAL ragnarok.. we just pretty much have the easier way of getting stronger(super fast lvling and farming)or even fucking donate.. we cant really take a skill away or mess with it cuz it pisses 7 people off, i got a problem with puppetring card but i dont tell the GM to takie it away.. yeah im DDH and i dont make sense when i talk most of the time, but anyway DREADNAUGHT fights with everyone and some of our members are being K.O.S by other players cuz we Gang it is a strategy FYI.. we dont bitch and cry and BC or post something on the god damn forum if we get bashed on.. im defending the ninja cuz i played ninja before and i like playing ninja :)
  20. GM genesis said it didnt went through... he is the gm im talking bout lol
  21. i donated a couple of days ago. through credit card (amazon payments) i received an email from amazon that i purchased it. and still GM said it did not went through so i send an email twice, with the transaction email and the order code but i see no reply.
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