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About stefly

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  1. Camp it for 2 hours to be sure you have it xD
  2. @Hexe. when you talk to the thief and he says you will have to find the items what you wanna do is actually farm all the items. then go back to the king
  3. Its the only way i can help >.<
  4. I heard a lot of people found "troubles" doing this quest. The main reason is because they've been following the old guide so here's one i made :) following the old quest : http://www.forsaken-...&id=1&record=74 i'll explain the new things. Step 1: Still the same. You cant warp, to start the quest After talking to snowman in fcity walk right untill you find a house Step 2: Same. to find her walk top after being teleported Step 3: Same. to find him get into the bottom red dot in the minimap. ( to know where you are in the map type /where, it will show you your coords) Step 4: Same. This time you can warp there Step 5: Same. You can warp here as well Step 6: Do what you did in step 1 Step 7: Same. Talk to jack. to find him walk top left untill you find a ladder then get on the ladder Step 8: This time is different. you will have to find a 3rd goblin in xmas_dun01 (@warp xmas_dun01 211 81) Step 9: Same. warp ice_dun01 47 289 (be sure to loot everything he drops) Step 10: Same. (as step 3 help your self with /where) Step 11: Same. just talk to santa Step 12: Same. santa is situated in the same map as the girl in step 2 Now Talk to santa and get a lot of patient because the items to farm are more I hope this helps. This guide was made by Simbolus fell free to rage at my english in game
  5. oh :o this is madness..
  6. Sorry for bothering again... i cant procede with step 8 after making the drink http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=74
  7. i see they've been added, thank you :3 sorry for my little patience, cant wait for the christmass stuff xD good work with the patch its really cool
  8. are the 100 chopsticks farmable? or should it be like 1?
  9. thana is 2 hours
  10. When jack askes me to farm items he says 100 chopsticks.. @whodrops says chepete. @whereis says 1 chepete in xmas_dun01.. is this item farmable?
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