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Forsaken Elder
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gagosila123 last won the day on August 11 2013

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About gagosila123

  • Birthday 08/23/1993

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    Ceres Planet
  • Interests
    Faggots and sluts....

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  1. Man, is there something to do with the Desperado skill? I'm really lagging when many Gs are dueling with each other then with low specs or connection in PC/Laptop.. Its doomed.. So how to fix these things?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Autopsies


      Ping has nothing to do with computer speed. Ping is your connection quality/speed to the server, if characters stop moving and you can't click, that's network lag. Hardware lag is just you having a bad computer, or a very dirty one.

    3. Bishop


      The lag caused by desperado is not related to ping in any way. If it would be related to ping you'd be lagging in general , not just with a certain skill usage. Disabling your effects could slightly help but the numbers flying around can still lag you.

    4. Autopsies


      If damage numbers are lagging your computer, you REALLY need a new computer... RO is nowhere near a demanding program, especially in 2013.

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