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About Sand

Sand's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. I don't know if you already got what you needed, but I'm new to this server as well and a huge help in getting started, is farming for other players. Just pay attention to when someone is asking for an item (ex: B> 400 feathers) You can usually farm it for them at a price of 100:1 (so for 400 feathers - 4 tokens). This is a great way to get money for new players.
  2. Sand

    Hi >.<

    Hi... uhm, I'm pretty shy so I don't usually do these but since I liked the server and plan on playing a lot I guess I should do one. Little bit about me; - I'm kind of OCD when it comes to organization of things, and cleanliness. - I'm not really that sociable, and kind of suck at making friends - I played RO way back (like when I was 8) I guess that's all for now :C So hi >.<!
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