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» Pat

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by » Pat

  1. » Pat

    Yah I'm spriting

    Is this too big? ;/
  2. You get an all-of-a-sudden-/lv because you're just that awesome!


  3. HI JAY HIIIIIII^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!^^~~~~~~~~~~~


  5. » Pat


    Welcome! (8 (ya sup)
  6. Well so do I. But I don't do it in LMS or so. That's just unfair. :/
  7. k sry watched digimon years ago. :C
  8. Note. I survive NONE, I REPEAT NONE AND NOT ANY asuras when I'm stoned.
  10. :|
  11. Even if it's against the rules of the internet, I don't watch anime. Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.
  12. Remember TGs for 5 coupons? (8
  13. All of the above.
  14. Sig makes perfect sense.

  15. Well actually, that's exactly what it means.
  17. If stupid people feel intimidated by others, there's only a few things that they can do: Thoughtless violence Start talking about glittering things Tell you how awesome they think they are &to be ontopic; Soul Breaker is heavily based on int. So don't overdo it with your str. 1) Soul Breaker Base Damage = Physical Total Damage + {(SkillLV * Player's INT) * 5} + Random Damage (500 ~ 1000) 2) Final Damage = Soul Breaker Base Damage / Enemy DEF + Soul Breaker Base Damage
  18. you'rer....................

  19. http://tinyurl.com/q2fmte ...
  20. Yeah...kick...
  21. Dappy like dino us two tip toes duck dive get low.

    And now I care less about who knows

    now we're deep in way past intro dappy explain yo:

    See never did I think a boy like me would be in need,

    when all I really wanted was to have some fun,

    now im losing my head, I'm telling you one thing... you'rer number one. <3

  22. Agree'd.
  23. » Pat

    Why don't we...

    Get some skolls.
  24. Should I have mentioned we're talking about VBA instead of .net? LOL. Sorry 4got. qq Option Explicit On Option Strict On Option Compare Text Imports System Imports System.Data Public Class Form1 Private dsDaten As New DataSet Private Sub cmdOpenFile1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdOpenFile.Click With dlgÖffnen .CheckFileExists = True .ShowReadOnly = False .Filter = "XML Files (*)|*.xml" .FilterIndex = 2 If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then DataSetEinlesen(.FileName) End If End With End Sub Private Sub DataSetEinlesen(ByVal dateiName As String) dsDaten.ReadXml(dateiName) TabellenFüllen() End Sub Private Sub TabellenFüllen() With cmbTabellen .BeginUpdate() With .Items .Clear() For Each tbl As DataTable In dsDaten.Tables .Add(tbl.TableName) Next End With .EndUpdate() End With End Sub Private Sub cmbTabellen_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbTabellen.SelectedIndexChanged If cmbTabellen.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub Dim tabelle As String = cmbTabellen.Items(cmbTabellen.SelectedIndex).ToString SpaltenFüllen(tabelle) End Sub Private Sub SpaltenFüllen(ByVal tableName As String) With lstSpalten .BeginUpdate() With .Items .Clear() For Each dc As DataColumn In dsDaten.Tables(tableName).Columns .Add(dc.ColumnName) Next End With .EndUpdate() End With End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If Not lstSpalten.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then lstAdded.Items.Add(lstSpalten.SelectedItem) lstSpalten.Items.Remove(lstSpalten.SelectedItem) Else MsgBox("Bitte wählen sie einen Listeneintrag.") End If End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If Not lstAdded.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then lstSpalten.Items.Add(lstAdded.SelectedItem) lstAdded.Items.Remove(lstAdded.SelectedItem) Else MsgBox("Bitte wählen sie einen Listeneintrag.") End If End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click With dlgfolder .ShowDialog() Dim path As String = .SelectedPath For Each item In lstAdded.Items ' XML ---> CSV code here.;( Next End With End Sub End Class Yeah, it's partially german. It's a tool for our customers, which also have access to the source code so yeah. ;( MESSY SHIT I KNOW. LOL.
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