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Forsaken Elite
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About FlareTheHedgehog

  • Birthday 12/04/1992

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Leighton Buzzard
  • Interests
    reading, drawing, gaming and taking care of my lovely Fionce

Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Adam Tyrrell
  • Ingame Character Names
    Kenkino, KenProf

FlareTheHedgehog's Achievements


Knight (3/10)



  1. thanks for the Support you guys, also i would like to get better so the YOutube Links would be Appreciated.
  2. got it for the PS3 and still play a little, PSN: Kenkaruto
  3. thank you, Wish. i apreciate it that someone likes my work and *hopefully* Understands why i draw them.
  4. well sorry if i have a Hobby of drawing Customized Versions of what i grew up with. ¬¬ I'll try to Impress you next time i upload Pictures. *Sarcasm of course, no way in hell am i wasting time on your ass*
  5. i'll try, and colouring the Pictures is a bitch, especially on the PC, and since i left my COlours at College. i can't do such since i'm off with a minor Fever. but im glad you like it, if you want. i'll draw you one that is Unique to you. both Hedgehog AND Human. you'll just need to give me a few things to get me started.
  6. after my Scanner decided not to work, i had to fix it. now i have a Picture that i drew, coloured on the PC and Printed out before my old PC blew up. here's the Infamous, Raziel. EDIT: yes, i know all of my Pictures are quite big, its because i have other things on the Page aswell so i need to Crop it which, in turn, englarges the Picture. i'll try not to do such anymore.
  7. Hello Everyone i hope some of you remember the topic i created about my Ragnarok Hedgehogs, and that i got one Request to draw one. well, i finally got a Scanner in my own home and have scanned them in. note that the Three Main characters picture i have Lost, and are attempting to re-draw. also, two of these Pictures are NOT in Colour as i ran out of Colouring Pencils AND Time. the three Humans are simple. two are Main characters in Human forms, and one has not been Claimed by anyone and was just a FIller to keep me entertained. the one that has not be clamed is called Cyclo *for now* and can be Claimed by anyone, but upon Claiming him. i'll need a PM about what to make him/her look like in a Hedgehog form. *Note that i can draw more then just Sonic and Shadow style Hedgehogs, i can also draw Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Espio etc. etc.* anyways, Without Further babbling on, Here they are! Project: Ifrit and Project: Death fighting: Yes, i know it's Sideways. but that will be fixed soon Human Project: Ifrit Yume Cyclo Female Gunslinger *Made by Request by a person i fogot Dx* Anyways, i wil be adding more as i go along, but don't Expect them to be about 1 - 2 week intervals since i have College work to do also.
  8. i'm still staying to my friends idea of the Ears and Tails, it'd be cute to see peopel running around in Tailz and Ears Hurry up with zem Pl0x
  9. GT - Flare Lunaredge most of the games i play are as follows Halo 3 Fallout 3 Fable 2 Vegas 2 CoD4 CoD WaW DW6E Castle Crashers Left 4 Dead Skate 2 Hit me up if you need anytingz
  10. FlareTheHedgehog


    Ignore the Emo comments, they're just sad and annoying.
  11. FlareTheHedgehog


    if your Poetry was UP, i would Comment on it.. use your head -.-;
  12. you DO realize that this Expansion isn't going to be coming out till about Next year right? they're will plenty of time to kill Arthas aswell as the rest of the other bosses before it's released, i doubt that the only good thing is going to be the Worgen since that would just be lame, they needed to put the Worgen onto the Alliance since the Horde already has an Animal race *Tauren* and putting another one would just be over the top, also the Goblins have worked closely with the Horde more then the Alliance anyways, so the Races are chosen corectly. sure there's going to be some bad bits like when it comes out, every race can be any class which just be really going off the Lore track their trying to uphold. i mean, Taurens are meant to be Shamanistic so, in Lore standards. they would be Shamans and Druids only, Blood Elves, because of their Addiction to Mana. would only be Mana using classes which they are, disregarding the Rogue. Sure, Flying in Azeroth will just be a Major let down for the Flight Paths since everyone will be able to fly anywhere if your level 70+. only problem will be the major changes they'll be doing to Azeroth, causing Barrens to be ripped apart and Tanaris to be slightly Greener. that'll seriously fuck up some Quests.
  13. Recently at E3, Blizzard entertainment has Announced its newest expansion which brings two new Races, the Goblins for the Horde and the Worgen* to the Alliance. a new skill called Archaeology, flying mounts in Azeroth and the return of the Notorius Deathwing, upon his return, all of Azeroth has changed for the worst, Lava lakes, Sunken towns and such. Also, the best part of this Expansion is now you can be any race, any Class. so like a Gnome Priest or a Tauren Rogue or even a Undead paladin, many people aren't going to like it since the disadvantage is that they have removed the defense and Attack Power stats so its all about Survival, aswell as the bad thing of Alliance getting "Furries" and the Horde getting Green Gnomes *many jokes about Goblins and Gnomes making Leper Gnomes on the Blizzard Forums and such* Overall, i would like having Worgens for the Alliance since now they have an Animal race like the horde does. and the horde has midget race like the Alliance do. in a out of 10 rating, i'd give it a.. 8/10 since there hasnt been much told and they are going to contradict themselves majorly during this Expansion.
  14. Hey, i'm hoping for a good Signature and Avatar package with my Assassin Cross in it, hopefully a good Color Scheme which will go with it quite well, the rest is up to you. you can use any of the Renders supplied, the Avatar i would like him to be Sitting down, only thing i choose as a MUST, everything else is up to the creator, Renders:
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