Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It's nice to be a part of such an active and friendly community. :)
I probably should have included a bit more about myself in my original post. Better late than never!
My name's Thomas and, as my first post mentioned, I'm a former player in a now retired server - nameless RO. I first picked up the game about 9 years ago and played RO for roughly 4-5 years split between iRO to nlRO. nlRO was a community that I really enjoyed being a part of and I hope to be a part of another wonderful one here.
After leaving nlRO, I spent my time between another game and concentrating on school. However, this game has always been a big part of me and I've always been longing to return so here I am!
Unfortunately, having been out of the game for so long, it feels like its an entirely new game now to me, unsure of what new changes have been made. I do look forward to experiencing the game though once I do have time and meeting you guys in-game. I also look forward to running into old friends from nlRO if any are still around (quick digging in archives show that, unfortunately, many of the names I do recognize are no longer forum-active).
My apologies for the wall of text.