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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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zergling last won the day on June 18 2013

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About zergling

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    now that would be telling

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  1. Tell me about it. I just got kicked and it showed I was banned.
  2. Got IP banned for no reason, why did you ban me?
  3. You can't make the rings use only sonic blow and asura strike, the rings script is randomized so it will cast the skills at random intervals.
  4. I don't agree with having FCP or C. Speed tickets in the boxes at all, it will drop the price of FCP, and C. Speed tickets. Although I think that 10 seed/berry tickets per box is a little excessive.
  5. Skills are edited all the time, as long as the suggestion has enough support and it doesn't break th class then it should be allowed. Just for the record, you should have said that you weren't sure if it would be done, not that you didn't know if it was possible.
  6. I do believe that this is him saying that I haven't been constructive which is why I bothered to make the reply in the first place. As far as you go, I was commenting on the fact that if he thought what I was saying was false he should ask the people on his server. Besides my overall opinion on the GM team is that they really don't do much except host one or two events then afk for the rest of the day. There might be a GM on(and active) maybe for 3 hours a day, which in the long run isn't very much compared to servers with eve half the number of players which has at least one active GM on for 12+ hours during the day.
  7. The normal tokens are what you can trade to players to buy gear/cards/supplies, they can be traded while the activity tokens cannot.
  8. Try going into the setup in your FRO folder and adjusting the resolution to a larget screen size. That will allow you to have a larget launcher. If that doesn't work then check your video card it might be outdated.
  9. Genesis, please read the suggestions, I have made several posts there that have recieved plenty of likes and support, not to mention my posts on the help subfourm. Nothing I have stated is false, I have spoken to many players on the things that I have brought up and they all agree with me. If you think I'm wrong then try talking to the players on the server, and not hounding me for saying what everyone else is thinking, but too afraid to say.
  10. Nothing is impossile... changing the skill itself is simply a matter of going into the current code and changing it from 50 to 30. It desn't really take that long once you find the code that needs to be changed. After that it's just a quick script reload and then it's active.
  11. That build isn't very difficult to beat. All it takes is a geared champ to asura the stalker with the right weapon and the stalker will die in 2 hits. P.S. you don't have any freeze resist, and the L. shit hat doesn't stack with friggs anymore.
  12. I have used a hybrid build without full gear and it's difficult but once you get the flow of how it all works it's not too hard to use. It just takes time to get accustomed to using everything and swapping properly.
  13. LOL, I know all 3 of the leaders, and they are decent but the strategy is simple(since they use the same one every time). Just the normal safety wall on emp until last few minutes then just a shit ton of breakers to try to get last minute break. Really nothing difficult about that strategy. In any case, THE HUNDREDS is a decent leader, don't know how well Onarr is or Aya. If THE HUNDREDS is leading the guild it should be a pretty fun guild to woe for.
  14. LOL, I won't comment which GM is most active it will get me into trouble. In any case, the GM team in general isn't active enough(which is why they are recruiting more), but as far as current GM's that are on more often than others, I would have to say Devour is the most active although Cappuccino has been on often as well(you can tell because her events take like 40-60 minutes for 1 event).
  15. If I remember correctly it was removed due to the excessive flooding of the chat window, but if it was able to be toggled by an NPC that would remove that issue.
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