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About nasa

  • Birthday 06/07/2001

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Hey Guys , I'm Nasa known to be Pew.Die.Pie inside the server . LOL I was quit for like 3 ~ 4 months now im back for good i guess? Sup <3 alright that all Peace out <3
  2. Hmm .. Some old items that lost the stats , some cannot even donate There a lot of stuff but i forgot .. don't judge me <3 Its been a few years ... Thank You
  3. nasa

    Full Pvp Type

    Hey guys i post this because someone asking me to do so <3 So i hope you guys don't hate me Helm = +10 and put Seyren Windsor Card [ lhz_dun03 ] Middle Aura = Vanberk / Maya Purple Lower Aura = Vanberk / Maya Purple Armor = Tao Gunka Card + Ghostring Card L.crit / Original Crit = 2 turtle general , 2 The Paper L.blade [ for me Lol ] = 2 turtle general , 2 The paper Cloak = 2 raydric or 1 skoll 1 raydric [i use 1 skoll and 1 raydric so i can get more hp ] Boots = 2 Fallen Bishop Accessories = 2 lagendary str belts or 2 forsaken str belts STAT TIME <3 Woooooooooooo Str = 280 ASPD = 195 LUK = 120 The rest of the point is vit Guys correct me if i'm wrong ^__^ Thank you
  4. Hey Guys ... Can you guys list top 5 most awesome breaker in 2015? Thanks if u guys do so <3 Peace Out
  5. Hey I been played this game for a lot of years now. Umm... can gm take out old stuff? For example all the wings before and hats I really hope for this to happen because old item are more awesome for me <3 but im really happy since the Legendary Items. But if the old item come out once again im the most happy person inside the game <3 I hope you seeing this post IGN : Pew.Die.Pie Thank You <3 Peace Out
  6. Hello Guys <3 It's me Pew.Die.Pie I been played Forsaken Ragnarok Online for 6 to 7 years now <3 My first character name is Holy Four ~ Follow by ~ Kei_Chan Then i got banned. I'm from Malaysia My first guild is Royal Mafia Now i'm with my awesome leader Ace,Aeos Guild I hope those who seeing this can be friends of mine <3 Let meet up somebody Pm me in game IGN: Pew.Die.Pie Thanks Guys Peace Out
  7. nasa

    Buying Items <3

    Buying Item Original Oriental Critical Sinx Original Fenrir Loki Seals + strength runes Pm Me Thanks <3 IGN : Pew.Die.Pie
  8. nasa

    Trade Time <3

    Trading Time Is Here <3 Thank You IGN : Pew.Die.Pie Peace Out :th_gawi:
  9. nasa

    Full Breaker Type

    Okey Thanks buddy <3 Awesome information but i think i will stick with this built
  10. Cya Man .. and Hey sorry about last time <3 When You back make sure to tell me Cya buddy Peace Out :th_gawi:
  11. nasa

    Full Breaker Type

    So its good thing or bad things? Anyway Thanks for correcting me <3
  12. nasa

    Full Breaker Type

    Hello Guys .. These is Crit Breaker Type Correct me if there some mistake .. Thank You ^__^ Helm = +10 and put Seyren Windsor Card [ lhz_dun03 ] Middle Aura = Vanberk / Maya Purple Lower Aura = Vanberk / Maya Purple Armor = Tao Gunka Card + Ghostring Card and 2 gloom armor [ I use 2 armor because if we use 2 gloom armor our hp is low so that why i use 2 armor 1 for TGK+GR and another one 2 gloom Unless you get devotion,u can use 2 gloom armor ] L.crit / Original Crit = 1 turtle general, 1 desert wolf [ moc_fild13 ], 1 abysmal knight [ gefenia01 ], 1 the paper [ ama_dun03 ] L.fenrir / Original Fenrir = 1 turtle general, 1 abysmal knight, 1 desert wolf , 1 orc skeleton [ orcsdun02 ] Cloak = 2 raydric or 1 skoll 1 raydric [i use 1 skoll and 1 raydric so i can get more hp ] Boots = 2 Fallen Bishop Accessories = 2 lagendary str belts or 2 forsaken str belts Stat Time <3 Woooooooooooooooo Str = 250 ASPD = 195 Luk = 100 ~ 120 [This one based on your self , somebody prefer damage than miss ] [somebody prefer not miss than damage] and The rest of the point is Vit <3 Correct Me if something is wrong IGN : Pew.Die.Pie You can pm me for more information Thank You ^__^ Peace Out :th_gawi:
  13. I guess you right nagi .... just sayin its Hybrid because its pvp and breaking at the same time i guess >~< Thanks for awesome info guys
  14. Aeos Guild <3 Aeos guild is recruiting awesome member like you.Our leader is Ace and our base is at go 10.We need friendly and active member. We give out salary , drop share , and we since we giving out salary , we need fully gear member.We also will need loyal member <3. Requirement At least needed : mvp cards , lagendary item , and atleast have forsaken belts and forsaken king vote set <3 For more info you can go to @go 10 or Pm me Lose or Win will give out also. IGN : Pew.Die.Pie Thank You <3 Peace Out :th_gawi:
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