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About ikaros23

  • Birthday 11/04/1913

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  1. I'm suggesting that may we at least have three sets of skill bar, as you notice, we only have 1 set of skill bar, having 2 or more sets of skill bar would be really a big help for us players because will be able, for example, switch our armors/garments when in a kind of situation faster and in a MUCH convenient way. As seen above, you'll see the max potential to what you may switch items, pots, skill at. Also, I would like to suggest that to have a cooldown meter on our status icons, this would really be a big help for us players because it may help us skill buff/pots up at the right time preventing unnecessary use and also helping us to calculate how long would this certain status icon would last, like for example, knowing the duration of Falcon Eyes of a sniper at just a glance would really be a great convenience for us players. Having a mini window popping up when you drag your cursor onto the status icon with description would also be a good help. *Sorry, can't find an image for it at this time around, but there are servers that has this kind of feature. I'll be posting it as soon as a find one if needed* Having these kind of opportunity will lead us to a more fun, exciting, mind twisting gameplay. Making us a much happier player of fRO. IGN: Stalker(main) - Zythious High Wizard(farmer) - Cerus Champion(mvp killer) - Yafeu Thank you for your consideration
  2. +1 I agree to this, knowing the difference at first glance is a big help
  3. PM me the coordinates! HAHAHA xDD IGN: Zythious By the way, what does Part 1(Both) simply imply? o_O You get them before you may do the sun/moon aura? or when you gave them, you'll have both aura?
  4. Coordinates? o.O
  5. I agree, because it's just too much, I mean why would it be 800 each for just an accessory? For what beneficial use? that pretty makes the Lvl10 weight enlargement useless.. It really takes away the max potential of the supposed numbers of carried pots. IGN: Zythious
  6. 35 tokens, fix. IGN: Zythious Cerus Yafeu
  7. Selling: Ghostring Card - 5 tokens Dragoon Warlord Card - 6 tokens Maya Purple - 2 tokens Forsaken Knight Set - 7 All items are negotiable and may reduce price. You may also order to me any quest item like for example a Non-Donation Belt and I'll sell it for you at a good price ?<8 tokens Thank you ^__^
  8. Will buy for 1x Tokens/Cards, negotiable PM me IGN: Zythious Cerus Yafeu Thanks
  9. Need some crimson rose heeeeeeelp!!
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