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Fire Phoenix

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About Fire Phoenix

  • Birthday 01/15/1994

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. i added it to the other post.
  2. As most of you know the Frog King hat item has been added to the Forsaken RO item list. So i was thinking of a MVP to go with the frog theme and played around with sprites and made the Frog King MVP. :D Hope you like it. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=14022
  3. Oh and I loved the part when Hermione was jealous of Ron and sent the enchanted-paper birds after him and they just popped on the wall xD :biggrin:
  4. To be honest i loved it. Best Parts:- 1. When the girl gets that cursed thing and fly's up into the air screaming.(Loved that in the book too.) 2. When the hand shoots out of the water and everyone in the cinema jumps a mile off their seats. :jerry:
  5. You should ask about personal definitions, such as "What is your personal Definition of Leadership" "What do you think about rules"
  6. Its not very good, but I gave it a go... Hope u like it. :)
  7. Closed.
  8. Try this one.
  9. well she didnt ask for much
  10. Sorry I didnt have enough time to make another one. Hope u like it. It's my second sig i've made. So dont be harsh :P Oh btw there is loads of little dots around the wings, didnt have enough time to change them >.>
  11. Hey peeps I got bored and decided to try and figure out how to make a signature. :suicide_anim: It was really frustrating >.> but i got through it and i wanted to show u all what i made.. lol i know its not that good but it was my first go... So here it is
  12. Also, I was thinking that there could be a new map implemented for where new characters start off, instead of the middle of fcity. On this island could be a warper npc that can teleport you to The training arena (Instead of the constant pop up), and warp you to various other places such as the Job Changers, the Mall, Forsaken Room, De-card Npc, etc. This is only because Ive had alot of people ask me where the job changer is and if alot of people have asked me you can bet alot of people have asked others too.
  13. Of course you can change it to make it better.
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