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Everything posted by slaveboy666

  2. can the server do this suggestion? because this items are usually useable in pvp to someone who knows how to use it.. also flame/frost/wind converters if the server can make this tix it would be much usefull also.. ive been using this with my assasin..
  3. i dont seem to find any respawn of this monster in any map.. can someone please help? where can i find these monster?
  4. can anyone give me a hint where i can find the irish hat quest??
  5. i was planning to vend in other cities is it legal?
  6. nomore vendors in prontera ive already checked.. even in other cities and the item mall..
  7. how come theres no one vending already? have they been banned? i was planning to vend alot of items when i finished hunting goods so i can vend all at once.. but i just wanna know if its still ok to vend in cities? because ive been playing staright for a week now and i dont seem to find any vendors... /?
  8. is it legal to vend many vendors in prontera city but with a reasonable items? like edp converters yggs etc.. because ive played in other servers before and its illegal to vend many vendors in your ip add.. they banned people who used multiple vendors... just wanna ask if its the same here? because i got alot of stuff i wanna vend but i wanna know first if its legal.. cause i dont wanna break any rules around this server..
  9. can i ask what items can be traded in the activity rewards? i tried to buy a ship captains hat but online players said that its not tradable.. im wondering if all the activity tokens cannot be traded? tnx..
  10. slaveboy666


    hello can someone tell me where Baldr is?
  11. do i get a reward if i do this quest? if so what reward would that be? tnx
  12. how bout putting an npc who change zennies into token?? its so hard to buy token to other players.. ive even tried buying it for 50m per token still no one sells.. lets say 100m per token.. in this way for sure we can buy tokens and not to wait for people to sell them.. because most people are too busy hunting...
  13. need fhelm how much?
  14. sorry,, i didnt realiaze that endless tower is just 4 fun... i thought its a way to test our ability to make it through the dungeom w/o storages... and especially to test our skills.. might as well endless tower to make it an npc who sells banana,, ^_^ sorry if GM fantasia is pissed off by my post..
  15. just wanna ask why make endless tower if monster dont drops loots??? might as well delete the endless tower quest??? i dont think its just for fun... i thnk its just a waste of time... might as well camp to thanatos..
  16. ive been here no monster drop loots yet
  17. anyone knows. silver mvp?
  18. sorry if u guys are irritated by my posts.. sorry again
  19. thank you mam/sir
  20. ok my gypsy is base/job 255 i have all the requirements to make.. elite victor said: your trial for a Forsaken Elite Gypsy has began! you must speak to an elder whom is located on the town where all archers begin.. im guessing in payon but i cant find it... please help.. tnx..
  21. where can i find these quest npc?
  22. where can i get these items? or where can i see those monster?
  23. oh found it sorry dont mind what ive said tnx alot./..
  24. tnx for the info sir but im asking where can i make those enriched elu and where can i get the green charm stones and ores?
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