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About Len

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  • Real Name
    Chuck Testa
  • Ingame Character Names
    Gein, Vier
  • Guild
    Requiem of Execution

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Len


    At least that's how I interpreted this: But after rereading it, he could also have meant something different. I just found it disturbing that "developing/coding/implementing" seemed to be a criteria for Xtopher, what appeared kind of flimsy to me. Although the suggestion-rules clearly state I think that it is nice and important to hear how other players think about this suggestion, but it is up to the GM-team how much effort they are willing to put into the development of new NPCs. Not a users choice. But maybe he didn't mean it that way. My apologies in that case. :) Than you could also have some trust in the abilities of your scriptGMs. I just don't think that rejecting every "critical" NPC is the right way. Let's assume an NPC that trades items for a headgear doesn't remove the quest items, because the scripter forgot to implement it. Than everyone would have thousands of headgears of that kind. But no one would ever consider that a good reason to refrain from adding new quest NPCs.
  2. Len


    Well, I guess I couldn't get across what I wanted to with the Poring card example. Nevermind. Probably was a bad example. :) But I can't understand that "we don't need it, because it works as is"-attitude. Most things work at the moment. So aren't they worth being improved? Do you or don't you think that this is a good feature? If so, then it is up to the GMs to decide whether it is worth developing it or not. Besides the fact that it wouldn't be that much effort to implement it. I assume about 200 lines of code. I understand what you wanted to show with the balloon example. And what I wanted to say is that it doesn't matter whether you trade a balloon, which is, let's say worth 500 tokens, plus 100 tokens to match the assumed value of 600 tokens for a purple emperium of just hand over the 600 itself (from which the player could then buy a balloon himself). I still think that it wouldn't hurt to have such an NPC. It would be aequivalent to traditional merchant-shops. Plus you could get a general idea of how much an item is worth. A nice side-effect would be that maybe not that much chats would block NPCs in town ("S> xyz"). :D
  3. Len


    First, I'd like to say that it is definitely possible to code. And not too hard either. :) And then I want to say that the bargaining evolved from not having another possibility. When zeny would be the currency and you would face merchant-shops, where the player could be afk or even autrotrading, you couldn't bargain either. But one could of course look who gave that item to the auctioner and PM him if he is online and ask whether he would also take less tokens. And it doesn't prevent you from dealing directly with other players. That's a good point. This NPC has a lot room for improvement. In the future this NPC could hold lists with minimal, maximum, and average prices for each item to make it harder to scam new players. There could also be some sort of bidding. It is just the basic idea which could, of course, be improvement beyond infinity. Then you would basically sell the purple emp for balloon - 100 and could just buy the balloon for tokens. :D Again, that's an argument that kills every NPC proposal. :/ Bugs aren't avoidable, but lets assume the token trader would be bugged. Same problem here. But that doesn't make you want to remove that NPC. :) EDIT: let me give you another example. If I would start giving expensive items away for Poring cards and many other players would do so too, then the currency would eventually become Poring cards (just an example). It's just a matter of adaption. And a more "primitive" form of a currency is directly trading items.
  4. Len


    It actually gives every GM the possibility to disable his/her own online-status. That is a useful feeature, because sometimes admins or scriptGMs are busy testing stuff and don't have the time to support players at that moment. So while some GMs remain "offline" others could still be displayed as online. What you could do, even without source-editing, is defining an area in which which shops / chats are allowed. As far as I remember, scripts can check for opened chats/shops. It would run every few minutes and check for all opened chats/shops whether they are inside that defined area. If not, the player could be teleported with a friendly reminder. I am terribly sorry but it looks like I have lost all of those scripts. So I can't give you the exact code on how it was achieved back then. :/
  5. Len


    I like all of the ideas. Concerning the blocked npcs and the GM-list: It is possible to script both of them. I even should have scripts for both of those issues lying around somewhere on my HDD if you are interested. The GM-board even has an option to disable it for certain GMs so that botters can't be 100% sure whether no GM is online or whether they just don't want to be seen.
  6. Len


    Hello everyone, I have yet another suggestion. I see many people advertising their items and chats like "S> itemxyz". I understand that this is because the main currency is tokens and merchant-shops can't set up prices in tokens. So I would love to see an NPC where everybody can sell items for tokens to other players. Meaning that I could give the item to the NPC, including a price in tokens I want for that items and other player can browse through this list of items and buy them for tokens. Would be pretty cool as players could have one station where they could check whether items they are looking for are currently being sold. cheers, Len
  7. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    That isn't very nice of you as I tried to be polite and to understand your situation. Plus I never said that new players wouldn't be supported. Servers often have the problem that they are deadlocked at some point because everyone is used to the current behaviour. It's not that I want to change fRO to make it fit my personal preferences from other servers rather than trying to make a suggestion that could mean an actual improvement from my point of view. But as I can see now you are not comfortable with this suggestion so I think this topic can be closed now. :)
  8. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    Thats a point you could close every suggestion thread with.
  9. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    I'm glad to see that there is so much constructive critism. I expected to be dealing with much more incomprehension. :) Kind of. Many replies stated that having a non-berry room wouldn't be possible without nerfing other items. So the next consideration would be about how to achieve that. I pondered a while over the cooldown thingy which seemed like a pretty good idea at first. But I think it wouldn't really help at all as especially classes who are able to run by backsliding or snaping would just do that for the time of the cooldown. At the moment I really can't come up with another idea than an extensive nerf which I understand that none of the veteran-players is willing to support. I would be pissed too if I spent some time gathering my gear which is then just removed. Especially if the way it is worked out for a long time and now one new player is suggesting a change. But as this would happen in the name of fairness maybe you can still think about it. I claim that it would increase the fun in PvP - for veterans as well as for new players. But that's of course up to the community whether they are willing to go through that balancing.
  10. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    Maybe I should edit this into the first post to clearify what we have discussed so far for other users who want to join the discussion. Yes, this could possibly make fights very fast and require some other changes. But I was wondering whether anybody would like to see those changes to make fights balanced and enjoyable even without berries. That could of course take some effort but I would love to have it that way instead of depending on how many berries I can carry.
  11. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    I totally agree with you here. As stated before the server as is needs berries and seeds for balancing. Even more with the effects you mentioned. So I think you guys might be right about the one-hit problem. So could any other balancing be possible? It appears that you are all aware of this "problem". But as I said before, enabling yggdrasil berries seems more like a workaround than a real solution. Would the admin-team be willing to take other measures to balance this? Should someone open another thread for this as this differs from the original idea of this thread? I would love to see some balancing on this issue and I am willing to contribute with some suggestions (and I am sure many other users would love to). But the suggestion rules state that we should take the effort of our suggestions into consideration and I think this would be a rather complex one. I as a new player on this server don't claim to have the ultimate solution for this and surely many users are used to the current behaviour (Aerynth for example). So I would like to hear the teams opinion on this before taking this any further:
  12. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    :D I think they can either use the variety of other skills a Champion has or blue pots. :)
  13. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    I actually never experienced servers where the players had to use normal attacks instead of skills because of SP-shortage. That's indeed an interesting point but I don't think that this would be that much of a problem to be honest. One had to try it out. Coming to that I've never been a person that had a problem with being ganged up or dying in PvP so it wouldn't be that much of a problem for me. Other people could of course be bugged by that. So I can only speak for myself here. Okay, let me pose a better question here. Are you actually happy with the berry-solution or do you just accept it because you need it for balancing (as a workaround, as I would call it)? Because if so, the solution would be to work out further balancing. Of course only if players and admins are willing to do so. If you are clinging to the berry-version just because you like the berries than we don't have to discuss this any further because than it is better as is. :)
  14. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    Well, I would say that this issue is mainly caused by some of the custom items, especially the elite equipment. I don't possess any of them yet but as far as I can judge from what I've read they are giving an immense damage boost. Combined with other things like the Tao-nerf I understand that this would sometimes result in one-hit-wonders. But allowing berries as a solution for this problem seems more like a workaround rather than an actual improvement. Just my two cents. Bringing total balance to this would probably be more complicated. That's why I only suggested to add the said room instead of replacing the current ones. :)
  15. Len

    Non-Berry Pvp

    Greetings, I recently visited the fRO PvP for the first time and had to find out that you can heal yourself with Yggdrasil Berries and Seeds. My suggestion would be to add a third PvP-room where you can't use those healing items. The reason is obvious. According to my experience, the outcome of fights with berries depend on which player can carry more berries / click the hotkey faster / slips his/her finger when trying to use a berry. I just don't think that PvP should be depending on this kind of things. Plus, if the third room would just be added, it wouldn't influence the current PvP activities, as everyone could choose to use the old rooms. :) Cheers, Len EDIT: so far we came to the conclusion, that adding this proposed room could make fights very fast and overpowered. Many of you stated that such a room would be impossible because of the customs on this server. To re-balance this, some changes would be required. Possibly regarding equipment / statpoints etc. This could mean some additional effort but I think it would be worth it, since I see the usage of berries as some kind of "workaround" for an actual balanced PvP. Just wanted to recapitulate what we got yet.
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