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Alice Lindstrom

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Everything posted by Alice Lindstrom

  1. wao, ya he admit
  2. If it was intended, it's pretty useless since you can use a bow + 4 LOD cards... which is practicly the same, it will just take like 10 secs more. That leaves Clown/Gypsy practicly useless for that raid... Disable pls ~
  3. Amazing ! Thank you for the hard work !
  4. +1 on this, I completely agree
  5. There's a reason why there's no posts in that place lol A well placed sub would make it more active, yeah apparently there's not many active GMs nowadays, sotw would be a bit harder I guess D:!
  6. It's only logical (?) +1
  7. Why can't it be brought back? Even if its not sotw, the subforum would be great anyway
  8. There used to be a graphics subforum, the SOTW game and others, it was removed since not many people played SOTW or didn't pay much attention to it. I know there's a "creative" place, I'd just love to see the SOTW game again or whatever Since theres a new ammount of players now, maybe it will be interesting to have it again? I've seen in the Market Subforum people selling their graphics (emblems, siggys, avatars, etc) So a gfx subforum may be needed again. That's all
  9. Chile hermanoo :D Somos hartos chilenos aca xD tira un garabato y te hablamos altiro xD asi se conocen a los chilensis aqui, bienvenido :)
  10. False, I kinda have it auhe tpbm likes to dress as a 10 year old girl :3
  11. False, sry i'm a skater. tpbm likes guys.
  12. I can't download the full client q_q HEEEELP

    1. supream


      turn off firewall settings?

    2. Alice Lindstrom

      Alice Lindstrom

      nvm I'm downloading it thanks :3

  13. I LOVE PIE TOO :D I hate how it decreases the quality :c Sorry for being so lazy on this one! Sources: [x] | [x] | C4D's IGN: Alice's Smile
  14. [3]nines Even though the 'origami' part is not obvious to see, I think is very well made, the colors and the lighning are nice and the blending of the 2 img is crative, the background is also pretty nice :) I like the colors of the outcome and well.. yeah Creativity - 4 Technical - 3 Execution- 3 Aesthetic- 4 Total: 14
  15. Hi :3 Did what I could on my brothers laptop IGN: Alice's Smile Sources: [ x ] | [ x ] | C4D's Edit Is it just me of forum decreases the quality? >: If so, I suggest to right click > view img.
  16. I haven't log in days, still no votes.. :l How long is this going to take? whatever [5] Nelly Creativity - 3 Technical - 3 Execution- 4 Aesthetic- 4 Total: 14 - Really speaks for itself, you can see its about Steampunk. Render very nice placed as well as background and the text really fits. It's clean but i'd say more blending <3 the background is pretty big and sharp so it kinda takes away focus from your focal. That kind of vintage look makes it very nice to see :3
  17. Goodluck! Looking forward for new Gms.. lol
  18. Alice Lindstrom


    Bah, you'll remember lol it's like riding a bike LOL! Welcome
  19. ikr lol Maroon are so.. nice omg. waiting for whole set :'3
  20. Hi welcome :D have fun !
  21. Thought you were a girl too lol Hi :3!
  22. Heyey welcome :3 we're nice people, we bite tho
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