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About Olethea

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Olethea's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. Guess Pk off is not working :(
  2. It's just a poor designer that never have a mind and design of his/her own. I pity them!
  3. Sure thing... GM Veracity. I am reading your guides and server information et.all while I'm downloading your patch client. There's just one problem though. Is @pk working here?? I just hate it when I went out of town and ended up being dead while I tried to hunt my things for livelihood. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi players and staffs. I've been roaming around so many private servers until I saw your server info in RMS so I decided to try it out. I'm still downloading your small client and I do hope that I won't get any errors/problems. Anyways, Hope you guys you could help me out on the start of my journey here. It would be greatly appreciated. And don't worry, I will not beg :) Well, enough said, I'll just see you in-game and of course here in forums. My character name would be Olethea. Ciao!
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