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Huffle Puss

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Huffle Puss

  1. B>Sniper / Stalker SB

  2. Can anyone teach me stalker pvp build? Comments are highly appreciated. :3
  3. B> Sniper or Stalker soaring bird. Reply here or pm me in-game. :3
  4. My Batruck is worth 550 tokens. :3
  5. Selling all my items! It includes Batruck Orange Emp 2Forsaken King's Sets 4STRBelts and more.. feel free to pm me in-game. :3
  6. Night and piece play'as

  7. Can anyone tell me the stat/item build for sinxcrit breaker build... THANKS!
  8. All that I'm after, is a life full of laughter...

  9. Anytime :3
  10. The best update was the Healer's...

  11. Wouldn't this make the server a kind of imbalanced? As far as I know Kanein has 2k activity tokens, so she could like buy all of these stuffs. :3 Nice updates though. Yehey! There will be peace in forsaken city once again!
  12. This is a server where fair staff members and equality among the different classes can be found. You can meet many friendly players in this server (including me) who are willing to help you out. :3 - Huffle Puss
  13. Huffle Puss

    Perry C

    Welcome back :3
  14. Huffle Puss


    Hello Jack! I am Huffle Puss but you can call me Ryan. Hope to see you in game and your awesome signature :3
  15. ..... TO THE FOR FILD!!! ahuehueheuehue...

  16. Hello dude and welcome to the server! Hope to see you in-game. -Huffle Puss
  17. Good morning.

    1. Amicable


      Good morning...or afternoon O_o(diff. times)

    2. Huffle Puss

      Huffle Puss

      Haha. Yeah its 6:30am here, so yeah.

  18. Good night guys :)... I'm off to bed :3

  19. Feel free to reply here or pm me in-game :3 Thanks to Erwin for this wonderful sig :3 Huffle Puss | Assassin Cross
  20. I liked yours too Jen... I was like watching a movie :) Thanks to Erwin for this wonderful sig :3 Huffle Puss | Assassin Cross
  21. Nice effects and music man... Good luck... Thanks to Erwin for this wonderful sig :3 Huffle Puss | Assassin Cross
  22. I bought one already thanks anyways :3 Thanks to Erwin for this wonderful sig :3 Huffle Puss | Assassin Cross file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Signature.png
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