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Huffle Puss

Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Huffle Puss

  1. 1599
  3. 1593 NIGGA!
  4. Huffle Puss

    Oh Hai~

    Eow :3
  5. Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of the evil...

  6. 1589
  7. :3 Let's wait for the GMs to accept or reject this suggestion :3
  8. 1581 HOMEDAWGS!
  9. Name of event: Novice Zombie Survival Event NPC #: I dunno How event works: Only novices can join the event. No equipments and they should be a 1/1 novice to join. So Zombies will be summoned. These zombies will then randomly start killing the novices in the map. So basically the players only have 1 objective, that is to survive until only 1 of them remains. The player remaining then wins the event. Reward: 5 event tokens How often (and at what times) would it be hosted?: It depends on the GM Is it a regular or special event?: (e.g., LMS and dice are regular while Annihilation and GvG are special) This is a regular event
  10. How can I reduce the lag. Is there some kind of turn on/off device that reduces the lag? Thanks! =3
  11. I feel like... loving you again and start from the beginning.. :3

  12. Hehe.. Another one for you Som :3
  13. 1573 PEOPLE!
  14. Well yeah, the gunslingers is my problem. They're the only ones causing the lag :3
  15. Aw.. You don't like the fall season? Its pretty cute how the leaves are dropping from the sky :3
  16. Huffle Puss


    No you're not
  17. how to start the Forsaken Knight Quest?
  18. The Sedora Mercenary scroll is not working :(

    1. Veracity


      We're aware of the issue, we are working on fixing it. Thank you! (:

  19. Ahh.. they have the same logo :l
  20. KEWL! OMG this update is one of the best YET!
  21. 1570 MANG!
  22. 1567
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