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About Belias

  • Birthday 11/29/1989

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  • Location
    Germany, Karlsruhe

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  • Guild
    Fenrirs Claw

Belias's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. another idea, make it like you did with the arrows. that only 1 of the gems need to be in the inventory, if you wear donation cloak / mistress.
  2. .... have you ever hocus'ed at all? i mean, i hocus EVERY day since several months, on different servers... you get so many random spells, that you cannot use it efficiently in pvp... the pvp thing is a bad excuse. that it will ease getting mvps may be true, but the pvp excuse is just ridiculous...
  3. hocus in pvp? are you kidding me? seriously... hocus is useless in pvp, because its random.. but okay, if you dont like the idea, its okay for me. even without the 0 gems requirement, its still easy, even easier then hunting the mvps ^^
  4. it doesn't matter if we use gems or not, its only a pain to buy them over again. not the amount of money we spend, but the procedure to buy them, put them in storage, buy them etc. we do abra all day. usually, we use 30k yellows to begin with. mostly, we use even more. the money is no problem at all, as i said... you could make mistress effect stay the same but donation cloak removing the requirement of hocus using gems.
  5. i suggest changing the effect of mistress / donation cloak for the skill hocus-pocus. it shouldn't require yellow gems if you are using mistress or donation cloak. if you're not fine with that, how about 2 mistress card or cloak + mistress = 0 gems needed? tell me your opinion.
  6. Obtained by: simple Quest Item Name: "Schwartzwald Pine Jubilee" Description: A snack sent from Schwartzwald. Ice cold fruit juice quenches your throat and cools your whole body. HIT + 10 , Perfect Dodge + 20 for 10 minutes. Cost: 5 x emperium = 1 ea of "schwartzwald pine jubilee" or something like that Equipped in: usable item Defense: - Weight: 30 Slots: - Stats: - Possible Sprite: - its an official Item, provides 20 PD and 10 HIT. its really useful and cool, you could make an npc who trades +10 Foods, Schwartzwald pine jubilee, lucky rice cakes, arunafeltz desert sandwich and such things. firstly, the guy wants you to gather several items. after that, the trading option is open for that character. its really helpful, i would appreciate it... what do you say?
  7. that kills the competition. we are new here, and we wouldn't mind if you'd try to steal our mvp's. thats what competition is all about. and we would come with 10+ people for each MVP, so it doesn't matter. i suggested group activities, because we do everything in groups, here's nearly nothing you can do as group.. just pvp. i dont want my people to get bored. ^^
  8. I would like to suggest adding more group activties to the server beside pvp/woe. a few examples, what Ragnarok has to offer: - Endless Tower (Please, make it an Instance Dungeon, like it's supposed to be, with normal Drops etc etc.. if you want detailed infos, tell me) - Battlegrounds - Group-Questing like Cursed Demon Baphomet or Dimensional Gorge Quest. (make the MVPs harder then the normal ones, so that you need more people then 3-4.) - Custom-Group Quests and Custom MVPs that you can only kill in Large Groups. if you want ideas for quests, mvps, sprites, group activities itself, tell me. we have A LOT of ideas. greets, Belias =)
  9. Belias

    Certain Things

    so acid demo deal nearly zero damage on this server, am i right? how about... editing the damage formula? or making it stack with elemental.. or making it only 1 specific element.. hmm..
  10. Belias

    Custom Commands

    okay, i'm fine with that =) was a nice feature in our last server, we could check on mvp maps if others are there and prepare for pvp. its okay if you guys dont want it.
  11. Belias

    Custom Commands

    it don't show GM Names, not in some servers. the thing with multiple items autolooting would be great ^^ and if you disagree on @die, its ok for me. whosell is a MUST have, yes.
  12. Belias

    Custom Commands

    sry for the many suggestions, i just have that much ideas =) if you have any problem with my suggestions, please feel free to decline it, i'm fine with it. i really like this server, i just want to come up with neat ideas. - how about the @whomap command. I saw it on different servers, it shows all players currently on the map. - or the @aloot command. its @aloot rate 100 for example for the percentual autoloot and @alootid ITEMNAME for specific items. you can alootid up to 5 different items, say, if you farm yggdrasil berries, you can farm other loots aswell without using autoloot 100 or something like that. - how about @die for quick ''dying'' xD its really useful, in my opinion. - or what is with @whosell ITEMNAME, searches the location of a specific item a player vendor sells. just a few ideas, hope you like some of em. - greets, belias
  13. changing the old interface to the more organized and easier renewal interface, with the new battlemode and new settings, would be very nice. just my opinion...
  14. i saw some servers with 40-50+ slots for guildranks / guildtitles. i want to give every member an unique title they like instead of having a few standard titles. would be nice! just my opinion, i dont see any downsides on this one.
  15. thats not a challenge at all, seriously. the mvps aren't even buffed, we did the endless tower on another server with all mvps 60m or more hp, all extremely buffed and we still did it. they aren't even buffed here, we'd solo the tower in that case.
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