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ana last won the day on December 23 2015

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  1. Magnum Breaker doesn't endow your weapon with fire! What it does is adding extra 20% fire damage to your auto attacks which keep whatever property you are using. By removing Magnum Break you are essentially losing way more damage than you think not to mention it increases your HIT. This was actually what made SinxCrit viable for breaking back in the day as you could magnum freely without fear of reflects unlike Thana users. After each Magnum you would get to do 15% extra damage on Emp (Emp only takes 75% fire damage) so it was basically like having an extra damage card. As for the PvP side, which is the goal of the post, as RayRay said, don't neglect the power of a sudden Magnum Break, those can do a lot of damage specially if coming while you dual-wield. Another point is understand that your opponent might also be using it and that gives you some room as well in case you make a mistake. Last but not least it can protect you in ganks as by working with reflects you can effectively push people away or in a direction you want for a cleaner kill. As a last note. Everything that comes from original RO should stay as is, it is the server that needs to adapt to it when making gears etc, not change items/skills/mechanics to make things more convenient.
  2. ana

    Star Gladiator Guide

    Thank you, corrected the Opposition thing. As for Maps and Tumbling, I wanted this to be a starter guide with just the basics people would need to find some success and understand the class potential. The fun of playing is finding new things as you master a class, if you knew everything before starting it wouldn't be fun, or at least that is how i see it.
  3. Star Gladiator Guide Breaker+PvP Hi guys! This is an old reply to a post, however it was not too visible so i decided to make it a post on its own! The following guide is pretty simple and straightforward going over, Skills, Stats, Gears and a few Tips. The best way to learn a class is still playing it so hope you have in mind that these are just basics. ATTENTION: this guide is based around a skill called union, might make a more general one sometime but not now. Skills The following skills that will be explained are the ones that make the class what it is. I am not including the kicks, players should experiment with them. I am mostly explaining passives and skills that are important for the guide. Opposition This is your main damage skill. Opposition requires you to mark 3 enemies (one per skill level) and you will deal increased damage to these targets, that damage will depend on your DEX and LUK. NOTES! The restrictions only apply to mobs; If you set it on a player you are setting it on his class (i.e. if you mark a player who is playing champion you now deal more damage to all champions); You can target Emperium, remember due to mob restrictions save rank 1 for Emperium. (This will mark all castles); You cannot reset your marked targets so choose carefully; Wrath The Wrath skills are actually what makes your opposition deal damage, as opposition only makes you ignore opponent size. This is a passive skill. Kihop This is the reason why you will want loads of players in your party! You get 10%ATK per person in your party that are in the same map as you. Union This is another reason you will want to be in a party, you crave for Devo so you can use GTB and keep this up. The description is wrong, you dont need to be linked during the effect of the skill, you just need to be linked before using the skill to get the bonus. As you can see it makes your attacks never miss and ignore DEF which is the same as always critical hitting. Tumbling Really important skill for PvP it makes you dodge a lot of attacks. Mild Wind This changes the property of your attacks, really useful. Shadow This skill is not that important but it is here for a reason!!!! If you level up this skill don't level up your Job Lvl. If you get max job level and this skill you will have permanent blind effect. STATS Upon testing Opposition looking for a good balance between DEX+LUK and the rest i came up with these stats: Str - 28X Agi - Enough for 195 aspd... and add another 12 agi for dec agi Vit - W/e is left in the end (Your HP will be really low anyway) Int - 0 Dex - 50 (this Serves for Opposition Bonus) Luk - 50 (this serves for Opposition Bonus) GEARS PVP Helm - Usual (Valk/Captain ship w/e you feel like using) - Kiels/fsold Mid - Any aura (I personally like emps) - Kiel/fsold Low - Usual (Ring/Ruck/wings/scarf... anything) - Fsold/kiel Armor - Farmor - Tao/Gr Weapon - NO WEAPON!!!! <--- cheap and good Shield - Friggs/ Fshield 2x... usako+GTB Boots - Fboots - 2xFBH Cloack - Fcloak - Ray/Skoll or 2xSkoll Acessory - Str acessories BREAKING Helm - +10 valk - 2x seyren Mid - Any aura - Gemini / Fsold Low - Any low gear - Gemini /Fsold Armor - Farmor - Tao/GR and 2xGloom Rest is same as pvp build Tips General Tips: Remember to get your Oppositions, you will deal nearly 3x more damage to your Oppositions! Target only your oppositions, rest is a bit of a waste; Don't get max Job LVL or don't level the "Shadow Skill"; Remember to get Party anytime you can... SG gets 10% damage bonus per party member; Don't buy Converters! use Mild Wind; You will have really low HP be careful how you use it; PvP: Always have tumbling on; Start with a Running+Flying Kick combo you might one shot your opponent; Breaking Don't use tumbling or any kicks while breaking they stop your auto-attack animation; Break for big guilds!; Set Emperium as your opposition; Make sure your guild understands how valuable you are and demand a Devo as your HP is really low specially if you go for 2xGloom. That is about it, rest will come from experience... 1 Hitting people in woes is really funny. See you guys in the game, happy kicks and have fun Any Questions just ask me. Fia.
  4. Agree with the BN checking, it is really awkward when i see those guys spamming faster than I am auto-attacking the emp. Specially LK, they can spam BB ridiculously fast which is already a easier to spam in WOE since there is no knock-back. As for SW it is fine as it is, it is easy to counter and is the main first defense to held the breaking speed which is quite fast. Use Pneuma card on your accessories, Detale Card, put yourself inside the SW so melee hits to you also remove it, be creative Honestly, I think the defense mechanisms at WOE should be improved. Right now, after all the boosts that SinX and Paladins had on HP+Damage (Rings+Slotted Accessory+new Valk Weapons) it is really hard/impossible to kill them, even if the SinX goes alone there is only 2 ways he dies, either Coma or change gear in the wrong time. I remember breaking with 200k HP and be fine with it, now i have like 280K HP doing like 40% more damage than i did before.
  5. There is a skill called "Shadow" that will make you go blind once you reach max JobLVL As for the Build... 1st PVP) Helm - Usual (Valk/Captain ship w/e you feel like using) - Kiels/fsold Mid - Any aura (I personally like emps) - Kiel/fsold Low - Usual (Ring/Ruck/wings/scarf... anything) - Fsold/kiel Armor - Farmor - Tao/Gr Weapon - NO WEAPON!!!! <--- cheap and good Shield - Friggs/ Fshield 2x... usako+GTB Boots - 2xFBH Cloack - Ray/Skoll ... 2xSkoll Acessory - Str acessories NOTES : If usual PVP (Ffild/PvP room you might want to learn to spamm Flying Kick; If woe you might want to join a huge guild for the party members bonus; Get your oppositions on the thing you are going to kill and focus only that; Remember SG is mostly a party playing char; Remember Mild Wind LV5 for Ghost Damage; 2nd) BREAKING! Helm - +10 valk - 2x seyren Mid - Any aura - Gemini / Fsold Low - Any low gear - Gemini /Fsold Rest is same as pvp build NOTES: You can set Opposition to Emperium; Remember you get 10% damage bonus per party member (In same area) , so you might want to play in huge guild and play the 1 castle WOEs; Remember Mild Wind LV6 for Shadow damage; STATS!!! STR - 28X Agi - Enough for 195 aspd... and add another 12 agi for dec agi Vit - W/e is left in the end Int - 0 Dex - 50 (this Serves for Opposition Bonus) Luk - 50 (this serves for Opposition Bonus) Tips!!! (Some will be repeated) Remember to get your Oppositions, you will deal nearly 3x more damage to your Oppositions! Don't get max Job LVL or don't level the "Shadow Skill"; Remember to get Party anytime you can... SG gets 10% damage bonus per party member!!! Always use Tumbling; Don't buy Converters! use Mild Wind!! That is about it, rest will come from experience... 1 Hitting people in woes is really funny. See you guys in the game, any Questions just ask me. Fia.
  6. Such stalk, much honor, so ana. Wow

  7. ana

    Setting Not Saving

    Well, running as admin helped; what i change while running as admin remains saved, better than nothing !!! THANKS !!!
  8. ana

    Setting Not Saving

    I use Fkenro, only the patcher when a patch is out.
  9. ana

    Setting Not Saving

    Hey everyone Today I logged in fRO and i found out my resolution was changed back to the 640x480x16 and i couldn't change it anymore, so i decided to re-install the all-in-one. After installing it again I could now change the resolution again, however my client setting are not being saved. By this i mean: When i log out the following reset Sound Alt+m shortcuts Window Placement /nc And any other kind of option/change i make Would like to find a solution to this as quick as possible. Thank
  10. Water from BoS, Shadow from cursed water/Arrow. However, has Ray said, a lot of people keep converters with them in case someone is defending against a single element.
  11. Sob, no one thinks i am nice. *seppuku* xD My nice people list is too long ^.^
  12. ana

    Perfect Sin X Breaker

    There is no such thing as perfect breaker, but here are some tips: 1- keep str as a multiple of 10. 2- No TG with thana, palas will reflect you easily. 3- Only one OrcSkel... holy property wont stack above 100%; 1 orc skell + 2 glooms gives you 100%, so the other OrcSkels will go to waste. This are just some littles tips the best way is to try new things yourself
  13. Omg! The girl with the red rucksack ._. I MISS YOU!

  14. Haha :3 you are funny. I guess i must start breaking seriously again; so you can call me cheater all the time xD
  15. Lyris

    Happy Birthday Ana (: <3 Have a great 18th birthday sweetie!

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