I never called the clipart my 'own' I'm citing it as a source. Are you saying that masking of images and layering them is not enough to qualify as a new work of art? Because that is essentially what every other contestant did. Are you saying that text arrangement/typography doesn't count count for effort/creativity? It's not as if I have just slapped these together in Microsoft Word. Sure i have not placed a dodge or screen effect, but to imply there wasn't any effort here or that I've done anything different than any other contestant is unfair.
Plagiarism is defined as a "wrongful appropriation," "close imitation" of ideas and expressions. I don't think any of the original artists of my sources had the intention of creating a forum signature. As I'm sure you're familiar with Bleach, you would know Inoue Orihime typically has an orange color theme. Am I wrong to match what her color theme is?
I could name the exact steps taken to create every other signature here, if not a very similar avenue. For the sake of good sportsmanship I will not, but I can tell you I spent several hours on my signature getting every detail just right and have at least cited all my sources.