Well, there is a lot of 'trash' in the game. Most people just use @ali for a specific item, but that makes mostly everything else pointless. My suggestion is, have an NPC that will exchange your trash (such as any low level card, scell, garlet, cracked diamonds, etc) for 'trash' points to an NPC, it'll keep track of these points and you can exchange them for a new "Trash Tokens", which would be the 4th token in the game.
Each low level item you could exchange would have a pre-determined point value. So like:
1000 Scell -> 1 Trash Token
100 Cracked Diamonds -> 1 Trash Token
300 Green Herbs -> 1 Trash Token
100 of any card -> 1 trash token
etc (just examples, the real values would have to be determined by the GM's)
As a former scripter I know this would be a pain getting all the ID's and making the list - but I think it'd be really useful to the community, you could exchange them in-game for prizes like ygg tickets and such.