TIS' PoOm!
As you can see from the topic title, tis' another NOOBIE joining the server. ;)
I have decided to join this server because it seemed to be very..... lively? -tries to find a better word-
And looking at the different topics and the cover of ForsakenRO, I am getting a very good vibe. And I hope that vibe is correct.
Before I go on, here's a list of things about me~
Quick Glance - About Me:
Name: Danielle.
Age: 18. (Born on 28/09.)
Gender: Female.
Residence: Victoria, Australia.
Interests: Graphic Designing - but I have no clue about it. Swimming. Taekwondo. RO. Life. ;)
Hobbies: Swimming. Taekwondo. Piano.
RO Experience: I have been playing RO for as long as I can remember. So tis' around 6-7 years. o:
Facts: Apparently I say random things a lot. :|
If you want to know anything else, just ask. :D
Well, I guess that's it -checks to see if there's anything missing-.
Hope to see you guys in-game.
P.S~ My in-game name will be PoOm, unless it's taken.