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Novice (1/10)



  1. PoOm

    Yes. Another One.

    Eep. Every post is making me feel awesome. :) THANKS GUYS~! :D
  2. Haha, don't worry about stupid questions, I don't really mind xD;

    Yeah, I get it. It's pretty hard to learn by yourself x_x; *starts watching korean dramas*~. LOL xD;

  3. PoOm

    Yes. Another One.

    Thanks everyone for the welcoming message. I would love to reply to every single one of you, specifically but I am too lazy to... :S And Xtopher, will do. >:) *EVERYONE START ATTACKING ME NOW*
  4. Thanks :D And I will, hopefully they won't be ridiculously stupid questions ><".

    I believe it can be learnt too... but... D:<

  5. Ohai!

    Welcome again, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :D

    And bout pronoucing korean... It's hard but, I believe it can be learned! :D

  6. PoOm

    Yes. Another One.

    I wish I could speak Korean too~ ^^; Too bad it's too hard to pronounce.... :'(
  7. PoOm

    Yes. Another One.

    Thank you Melody.~ And yes, I hope I do too. :P I really like your avatar, tis' so cute! And the KOREAN <33 Did I mention that I love everything that's Korean? ;)
  8. PoOm

    Count To 3,000! ;d

    798. I hate flakes. ;o I'm kidding, I love flakes :D
  9. PoOm

    Yes. Another One.

    TIS' PoOm! As you can see from the topic title, tis' another NOOBIE joining the server. ;) I have decided to join this server because it seemed to be very..... lively? -tries to find a better word- And looking at the different topics and the cover of ForsakenRO, I am getting a very good vibe. And I hope that vibe is correct. Before I go on, here's a list of things about me~ Quick Glance - About Me: Name: Danielle. Age: 18. (Born on 28/09.) Gender: Female. Residence: Victoria, Australia. Interests: Graphic Designing - but I have no clue about it. Swimming. Taekwondo. RO. Life. ;) Hobbies: Swimming. Taekwondo. Piano. RO Experience: I have been playing RO for as long as I can remember. So tis' around 6-7 years. o: Facts: Apparently I say random things a lot. :| If you want to know anything else, just ask. :D Well, I guess that's it -checks to see if there's anything missing-. Hope to see you guys in-game. P.S~ My in-game name will be PoOm, unless it's taken.
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