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About Exceed

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Novice (1/10)



  1. Hi, i be ur fren. :D

  2. Exceed

    Hey, I'm Alex.

    Hello. I'm just starting out today (installing now, actually). Anyway I won't bother telling you about myself, mostly because I don't think anyone cares, but also because I'm an extremely boring person. I'll probably see some of you in-game. If you do want a chat, feel free to PM me or something. I'll edit this once I have decided on character names. Time to grind, I suppose.
  3. Yes, smoking is indeed dangerous. I don't care. Seriously, these people are more annoying than smokers themselves! Everyone who has been alive for more than a year knows smoking is dangerous - so it's not like you're telling me something I don't already know. It's like saying "you have arms lolol xDD". I just hate people like this. I mean, if I was about to drink poisoned water, yes, I'd like to be told that it would be deadly, but you don't need to inlighten me by telling me something that's common knowledge. Seriously, stop trying to sound smart, and start worrying about getting the hell away from me before my smoking kills YOU! Also, hazaah, first post.
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