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About Arkanae

  • Birthday 09/02/1985

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    (Ask if needed for contact!)
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    California, United States

Previous Fields

  • Ingame Character Names
  • Guild
    The Decisive Factor

Arkanae's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. I wanted to say Happy Birthday! :3

  2. Lol x3;

    So, how's fRo? xDd

  3. Now I feel silly! I finally found the comment box. It's kinda well hidden. Anyway.. hi! <_<

  4. Hey Aurora. Thanks for checking out my profile. ^^

  5. Oh, i see. iunno why but it seem fine for the other.

    Well, enjoy ur stay in fRO :) and Hi again! :D

  6. Lately people have been rude just to be rude. I suppose this game continues to attract a swell of bad people along the good.
  7. Arkanae

    Best Song Ever!

    Not gonna lie.. it hurt my brain. :(
  8. It's a great game. I got pretty good at it back in the day.
  9. This was a pretty good anime. I actually just finished watching the second season today. There's definitely room for a sequel, and I hope they'll pursue it. Considering it's been 2 years since it came out, it's unlikely, though.
  10. Arkanae


    If this girl is worth investing your time in, she'll appreciate you for who you are. If not, then there will only be hardship if you continue to pursue her. Remember man, you're pretty young and you have a lot of time ahead of you for these things. ^^
  11. Any fans of Soul Calibur here? I play it quite a bit still.
  12. Wow! Thanks for the responses everyone! It was a lot more feedback than I expected. @Dark Erem: Hello! :D @Poringly: Although I think you may have misunderstood, I'm a veteran of the game in general. I'm completely new to this server! ^^; @Poringly & Veracity: Thank you for the information! I'm going to be reading up on the threads available to me, and I'll use your option as a last resort Poringly. There's a lot of people on this server, so I want to promote self-reliance amongst other players instead of having to depend too much on the staff. @xonchu: Really? I've been leveling like mad and trying to get a decent build going for my Champion. Any tips? :D
  13. Hey everyone! I'm Steve. I'm by no means new to Ragnarok, but it's been a long time since I played. I remember this game as early as 1999-2000 when it was still in its open alpha phase. I've played iRO and I've seen the game change so much over the course of the creation of private servers. Needless to say, I've been around a while! However, there's been so much change to this game that I don't know what's what anymore. My main character name is Glorious for the moment, but I'm exploring a lot of different jobs trying to find what to take as a main. I hope to get caught up with the times and I look forward to meeting everyone in a friendly community! :)
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