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About homealone

homealone's Achievements


Novice (1/10)



  1. homealone


    thanatos cheap..pm me n forum to haggle
  2. i think zodiac is around 500 and rop depends on colour.
  3. i wish i had an idea where to get earth oath ;(

  4. A simple line that makes you laugh or cry. Flying without wings, Westlife.
  5. Thank you SO MUCH guys!! I rly appreciate what all of u had given me. Please add more if you have the time, I will keep looking for new input from you in this post from time to time =) Em, I hope I can hear from the point of view of girls, too. Ty!
  6. Oh hi Hannah xD
  7. homealone


    Hello guys. I'm new to ragnarok and am new to the server too. I am 17/m. As the title says, I really need help from those who have experiences in relationship. I am seeing this one girl, but the problem is that words doesn't come naturally to me. I find it hard to initiate conversations and to lengthen conversation. I do not want to appear dull and boring =( I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner if I don't find a solution to my weakness. Please help! I'd appreciate each and every single advice =)
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