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Forsaken Elite
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About trickster187

  • Birthday 03/09/1989

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Knight (3/10)



  1. trickster187


    ive got all but the cloak. its all +10. 80 coupons each
  2. 90 per str belt and 40 for gloom IGN Demonic Champion
  3. as title says. thanks
  4. Added drooping valk, medusa hat, 3d glasses, helm of hermes, ring of resonance, lif hat, and dragoon wiz card
  5. 40 and the sets yours
  6. My sister did the elite sniper quest months ago and got the set but when she logged on a few days ago it was all gone. She hasn't played for about 6 months or something. Anyone know what happened? Can she get the items back? I think there was a little wipe or something awhile ago.
  7. Selling: elite pally set [40] pally sword [35] drake card garm card incantation card 2 tao cards 4.8k E. bottles 11.9k red herbs 3.2k yellow herbs 5.4k white herbs 2.8k blue herbs 3.1k green herbs 1.2k grapes 2k honeys 2k box of thunder 4.3k box of gloom 4.5k box of storm 2.2k evil horns 900 oridecon 493 elunium 727 whitch starsand 5 fang of garm dragon aura [8] drooping valk medusa hat 3d glasses helm of hermes ring of resonance lif hat dragoon wiz Offer and leave your IGN
  8. Thanks
  9. After you have already got one box can you do the quest again to get another?
  10. Sorry the gun is 80, no cheaper. Took me way to long to hunt for
  11. Selling: GS set [offer] GS gun [80] dex belts [95 each] garm [10] drake [10] Things i need: 1 Tao card [35] 1 OL card [25] 1 FBH card [40] 1 Gen. Enigma card [8] IGN: The Talon
  12. yeah i meant all the misses. thanks guys
  13. Any one know how to effectivly kill mvps after you get them down to 1/3hp? Not all but some mvps are near impossible to hit once you get them low enough.
  14. Leave offer and ign here IGN:The Talon
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