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Lex Divinia

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About Lex Divinia

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  • Real Name
  • Ingame Character Names
    Hokae, Lex Divinia

Lex Divinia's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. DESSEEE, do you still play in RO? =o

  2. I agree. :3
  3. Barbie seems like a pretty preppy & childish name, hun. The only people who are bad at recoloring are the ones who try to blend blinding non-matching colors, which are considered newbies. Otherwise recoloring is quite dull and unoriginal no matter what the headgear is. She doesn't need minons nor did she tell me to say it, I have my own opinion and in my opinion you're a total Ami copycat. Still waiting for your original sprites.
  4. Sorry, I don't tend to get jealous over preppy hoes, no offense. Also, your recolors are like everyone else, even mine. Recolors are lame, I'll admit. Original work of yours please. :3 P.S: You do copy Ami's style, stop trying to be her. ^_______^
  5. I don't need mouth from a ho that should be sucking Genesis's pixel dick atm. You guiz are dating right? I heard you got in the staff for dating him, lolzers. P.S: "Recoloring" Zodiac auras is reaaaal original too, considering its been done by other servers. Oh, and you copy Ami, sorry but you'll never be a Sweetie like her. (: How about you post sum of your sprites that are original.
  6. Self-proclaimed internet "trolls" give the best advice. Excuse me while I take the rudolph sprite from the back of the male santa suit, erase around the area, copy&paste it to some rucksack frames, go around the frames with light green tint, save and claim I made it with no credit to gravity/the makers, then go to someone and have the nerve to ask for it to be .act'd. I'm really digging your sprite team homeboy. P.S: Yeah I had to make a new account to report I got hacked, since some idiot likes hacking veterans. :3
  7. you give me fever. ♥

  8. From what I seen Barbie only recolors, which is why I offered to design it. You never seemed to deny people adding sprites without being in the staff, why are you being rude to me in general? I trolled you months or so ago, get over it. It's not good, especially for a co-admin to hold grudges towards their players. Just sayin'.
  9. and.... nothin, i just wonderin. :3

  10. obby u alwayz kno how 2 maek me hot ^__^

  11. oh my gawd when i saw your name on my profile, i gasm'ed

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