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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by AsBloodRunsBlack

  1. Selling: - White Balloon - Friggs - Dorcus - Fsets +0 or +10 - StrBelts - Ltd Purple wind Milestone - Poison avian wings - Any Raw - Any Sacreds - Fbow - MVP Cards - PVP Tokens - Odins - ETC. Just ask what you need :D PM ME IGN : AsBloodRunsBlack / BlackDahliaMurder
  2. how much dorc ?
  3. how much fknux ?
  4. Offer me plox = ) offer me ! :D
  5. Selling: - Odins - Pally Halb - PVP tokens - BR tokens - Dorcus - Friggs - Any Sacred Wing's - Any Raw's leave offers or PM me IGN: AsBloodRunsBlack
  6. offer me IGN: AsBloodRunsBlack
  7. AsBloodRunsBlack


    offer odin ?
  8. offer White RAW ? how mch EoF and P.Emp ?
  9. offer pally halb or odin ?
  10. where was the effect of the rings ? o.o
  11. why i cant click the King of Insects NPC ?
  12. Buying Avians / Dorcus / IMP / SkullAura / +0Fcloak & Armor / Pyroxene / Golden Anvil . PM Offer and what color u are selling . IGN : AsBloodRunsBlack
  13. Module Name: C:\Program Files\ForsakenRO\Fkenro.exe Time Stamp: 0x477b78c8 - Wed Jan 02 03:43:04 2008 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x005709c2 Fkenro.exe 0x0056e5ec Fkenro.exe 0x00507344 Fkenro.exe 0x00678a0f Fkenro.exe 0x00699c0a Fkenro.exe 0x75751114 kernel32.dll 0x76deb2b9 ntdll.dll 0x76deb28c ntdll.dll eax: 0x0e0a0c48 ebx: 0x0df9dca0 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x0012fa68 esi: 0x0df9dca0 edi: 0x00000000 ebp: 0x0012fa70 esp: 0x0012fa5c stack 0012fa5c - 0012fe5c 0012FA5C : 68 FA 12 00 39 DD F9 0D 00 00 00 00 F7 20 6B 00 0012FA6C : FF FF FF FF A8 FB 12 00 EC E5 56 00 00 41 77 00 0012FA7C : 16 41 77 00 3E 41 77 00 11 20 DE 76 20 D1 F9 0D 0012FA8C : CC E1 F9 0D 00 00 00 00 38 16 26 09 48 FB 12 00 0012FA9C : 6D D4 DA 76 66 D6 4E 00 FE FF FF FF 76 21 DE 76 0012FAAC : 11 20 DE 76 9C DE F9 0D A0 DC F9 0D 00 00 00 00 0012FABC : 10 DC F9 0D 3C FB 12 00 A0 5C F9 0D 01 00 00 00 0012FACC : 30 DC F9 0D E8 FA 12 00 77 1E DE 76 38 DC F9 0D 0012FADC : 60 DE F9 0D 38 DC F9 0D 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0012FAEC : 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 FB 12 00 B2 49 69 00 0012FAFC : 00 00 C1 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 20 D1 F9 0D 0012FB0C : CC E1 F9 0D 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0012FB1C : 58 FB 12 00 74 FB 12 00 E0 4E 69 00 48 75 6C 00 0012FB2C : FF FF FF FF 80 FB 12 00 A9 48 69 00 20 00 00 00 0012FB3C : 86 3E 69 00 20 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 64 A4 52 00 0012FB4C : 20 00 00 00 24 E0 F9 0D A0 DC F9 0D 00 00 00 00 Launch Info 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Champion everytime i go to this place . i got error >.<
  14. i got an gravity error on bra_dun at any dungeon . please help :|
  15. still have fparts ? u acceptin trades with +10fparts i add tokens = +0Fparts pm me IGN AsBloodRunsBlack
  16. hw much for Valis/Dorcus ? u accept trades .
  17. 30 ea
  18. can we trade +0Fcloak and armor = +10Fcloak and armor + toks pm me IGN AsBloodRunsBlack
  19. +10Fcloak = 75 beep me
  20. Hi Coco ! <3 are u srs ? :o
  21. GoodLuck to Everyone ! : ]
  22. T>my G.Emp = O.Emp/P.Emp T>my Friggs/Dorcus = SinXCrit pm me IGN : AsBloodRunsBlack
  23. trade to dorcus ? no adds
  24. need 3k for how mch ? pm me here or in game IGN : AsBloodRunsBlack
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