FRo - Duh. xD<br />I read a Lot, and love Cricket, really good at it. :)<br />Doing my 11th Grade, Looking forward to getting a seat in a Medical College, Love Swimming as well,<br />I used to DotA before I shifted to RO.
I vote for [1] Haruka
Her entry is really heart warming, it displays her feelings for her best friend in a simple sentence
Also the background has a warm glow to it , making it very attractive and eye catching.
I vote for [5] Haruka , cause her entry made me laugh ( the ghosts going OMFG!! in the background xD )
Also the background looks pretty cool even if the middle is a bit off. :P
^ Lol it's all part of the game man :)
Anyway, I'd like to vote for [4]Haruka
Because I really like the way she's made the background so that it looks like Woody and Buzz are blasting out of the
star. Also I really like the stars and the glow given to them. The colors are soft and appealing to the eyes.
Nice one.
I vote for #6 Haruka because
1. She drew it herself.
2.The way she made the eyes and background blend in makes a nice effect.
3. Her drawing looks good.
Nice Haru :)
I vote for Haruka[3] Because someone has taken the effort to actually use their hands and DRAW something other than just rip it off from some site.
Well done. :)
(edited because i read late that you need to type 2 sentences atleast)
I like the background and i think the colours go well, and those guys have attitude.