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Forsaken Elite
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About Elimination

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  • Guild
    Royal Mafia

Elimination's Achievements

Holy Priest

Holy Priest (4/10)



  1. i live in vic aswell :P
  2. when pvp ladder resetting T_T

  3. Agreed.
  4. 1. 50/50 I like it as it is as is cause guilds may actually be able to defend and breakers wont just frenzy and destroy the emp. Maybe lower it to 200mil? 2. Disagree. 90% The person who wins ladder was just a gs who spam at entrance...
  5. Agreed :D
  6. Bump~
  7. Maybe a little boost would be good but idc u still make a profit when selling them and even if ur not there more worth it becuase it lasts longer
  8. Elimination


    Leave offers and name or pm me Elimination
  9. Selling clown set for 5 donation coupons! Leave name or pm me Elimination :D
  10. My suggestion is disable lk card in woe..yes I know half of u will disagree but it just seems that the emp breaks too fast if it's against a defenseless caslte. Opinions plz ^^
  11. My suggestion is that we should have a guild skill that when used the guild leader can spawn guardians anywhere in the castle. This will make WoE more fun and more tactical. I would suggest that the guild has to hold castle for a minimum of 10 minutes b4. Then after the 10 minutes the skill will be enabled. Also since when you max guild level you get 6 remaining skill points,they can be used for the skill. So like for every level the skill goes up the more guardians you can spawn and the more stronger they are. You should also be able to pick which guardian you want and how many so like, 2 sword guardians and 3 archers. Restrictions shuld be not allowed to be spawned in emp room but everywhere else on the map. So I guess that's it. I know that would probly take some hard work to do but gimme ur opinion :D
  12. Elimination

    Hiii ~

    Hi Winston enjoy playing ro :D
  13. Elimination


    Hello there!
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