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Forsaken Council
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Passion last won the day on January 9 2017

Passion had the most liked content!

About Passion

  • Birthday 12/20/1992

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    in your heart

Previous Fields

  • Guild
    Crimson Angels

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16623 profile views

Passion's Achievements


Guardian (5/10)



  1. Happy Birthday fRO!
  2. you active back as gm o-o?

  3. 134~
  4. so busy with school. :(

  5. Welcome! Enjoy playing fRO! Don't forget to vote! :)
  6. 87
  7. Passion

    Gm Schedules

    These are the times I'm available: Monday 6am - 12pm Server time Tuesday 6am - 12pm Server time Wednesday 6am - 12pm Server time Thursday 6am - 12pm Server time Friday 6am - 12pm Server time Saturday 10am - 12pm Server time Sunday Available pretty much the whole day. Depends though cause I might take this as a rest day *My schedules for the first part of the day might depend on if I wake up at that time.
  8. 4 hour stopover at Korea. :)

    1. Jodie


      Have a safe trip Passion! ;3

    2. Levis


      Yup, take care my Passion!

  9. Good idea Decode, and nice suggestion bato. Well problems I would see here is what if our winners are offline for a significant amount time? I think a few tokens would be worth the prize. Other than that +1 in adding more events
  10. 2623
  11. Zombie-Panda mode is now activated...

  12. noted and adding to broadcast outline.
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