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About hikaritasan

  • Birthday 11/16/1994

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  • Location
    No where to be found...

hikaritasan's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. It's on tomorrow, anywayz


  2. "Vulgar beings, you have not yet learned true terror. Repent!!" "You find me very different from . I will show what true despair is. Resign yourself to your fate!" "NOW I SHALL END THIS!!" "Your corpse shall feed the ravens~" ...Yes, a Valkyrie Profile fan.
  3. hikaritasan


    Mind if I come along? I really wanted to go WoE.
  4. Guild must be active Weekly/Monthly MvP hunting English~ (sorry if this sounds offensive) This is all I can say. I'm looking for a MvP/WoE Guild.
  5. I was just wondering if you guys like this signature made for some Ragnarok fans at Deviantart from me. lol I'm just using the Character Simulator from RMS (RateMyServer.net) so yeah lol. My ever first Signature, going to make my own signature so yeah. I even add on the Valkyrie Profile look at the last part of the post. CresentVenus ~~~ Watanuki ~~~ Valkyrie Profile Add-on(?) --- Hrist [Avatar] ~~~ Please comment this!
  6. Keep Tryin' ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaFCDPMpNrw This song really inspires me to keep on going, even there is obstacle upon my life so yeah, that includes all my games! hahax
  7. http://www.youtube.com/user/lf2net ~> Mine but then again, I don't post too much videos though.
  8. PSP FTW! I got Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Warriors Orochi, DJ Max Portable (might get 2 soon), Silent Hill Origin, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2, Patapon and Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles (actually Symphony of the Night but just put Dracula X Chronicles anywayz)
  9. From what I have discovered, a retired(?) FlyFF GM created the word pl0x. Therefore, after that day onwards, everyone started to say the word pl0x. Dam, isn't it annoying?
  10. hikaritasan

    I'm back?

    Hello to all. And I'm certainly know that you know me from the past few months. I got no other online games to play with. Furthermore, I just finished all my PSP games for like 1/2 a month. So I would like to come back. But thing is...I'll be deleting my whole characters and redoing it again. Furthermore, my friend, Hikari, sometimes still asked me about playing the game. Aw well. I just hope that you guys have fun.
  11. If you still wanna see me online, just PM me at least XD
  12. Well, the reason is this: I didn't had time to play with my friends though. Furthermore, they kept going to custom areas that I can't go. Sometimes, certain custom areas didn't get error for me. I also had irritating problems with the auto-patching so it'll be hard for me to do this and that. I always got hard time on playing Forsaken Ragnarok Online until I have to talk to Hikari if I gonna quit or not. I got quite a hard time leeching all my friends who created new character, that is until I have to use my low level champion (I guess level 100+ at least) as a plvler and er...yes...too much hentai, honestly, among some of the users until I went over the limit. So this is some of the reasons. Well not all but some are PERSONAL. =P Btw, Yuno, I guess you still watching Yaoi for a bit. A BIT~! And no, I'm not leaving the forums, just leaving the server.
  13. FYI, if you dunno if you killed me or not, here's my IGNs. Trust me, I got alot =P Watanubi Mai Myubi HistorianGunner NibelungValesti Alexia the Whitesmith LennethValkyrja Some of the IGNs not in the list coz I kinda forgot them or I deleted them =P
  14. I am quiting it tomorrow >_> Besides, you nvr know if you wanna trick those guys into thinking. It's not like I wanna do hentai/yaoi anywayz o_o Well anywayz I guess I did...
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