Well hey everyone /lv . A few of you know me in-game as Shadow Dawn (hopefully) , or really any name with Dawn in it O_O . I've been getting A LOT of questions from people and fellow ninjas about my magical gears and build. WELL, I figured I'd make this guide on it ;D. This is my first guide, so sorry if I make any mistakes and such /lv . First things first, let me repeat myself, this is a MAGICAL NINJA BUILD, not FS, not Melee, not Throw Fuuma.(The gears may be very similar to those of you who have a Wizard or Profesor, because I did used to main a Professor).Honestly, I think Ninjas are one of THE BEST classes if played correctly, even for beginners and "noobs" due to the fact that they dont neede deadly(not to mention versatile) a full Forsaken King's set with an Aura of Emperium to bThis won't be perfect, so feel free to criticize/comment/correct/question anything I say and I'll do my best to answer ^^; . Now that that is out of the way, here we go ^^; .
Upper Headgear;
I would recommend getting a Valkyrie Helm for the 2 slots, those help A LOT. If nyou don't have one, try to get a slotted headgear that raises Intelligence. Put a Kiel if you have a 1-slotted headgear, if you have a 2-slotted headgear put in 2 Kiels ^^; .
Middle Headgear;
(Dragon Aura/Mythical Aura/Rune of Power[RoP]/Emperium Aura[EMP]) If you have an Emperium Aura, that's also great. The +20 all stats is obviously great. But a Golden Valkyrie Helm and RoP are ALMOST as strong together as an EMP(Weaker by +2 stat points). But most(if not all) middle headgears have a slot, so I put a Maya Purple here(For those pesky SinX's and those with SinX card cloaking abilities.
Lower Headgear;
(Mouthpiece/Rucksack) This is just a financially based choice ^^; . If you can afford a Rucksack, get one. If you CAN'T then just get a Intelligence raising Mouthpiece(Ice Cream is good). I LOOOOVE spamming skills, so I put a Kiel here just to have 3 Kiels for spam. It's a general preference on what to put here ;D.
(Forsaken Ninja/Forsaken King's) Obviously you want the Forsaken King's armor, but if you cannot afford it go with the Forsaken Ninja ^^; .I like to put a Tao Gunka and Ghostring here(As do most other people) Tao Gunka gives a nice HP boost(+30%) but -50 Def and -50 MDef. And the Ghostring enchants the armor with the Ghost property, and -25% HP Recovery.
(Ashura/Forsaken Ninja Shuriken[Giant Wheen Huuma]) I recommend you carry two weapons, an Ashura(from the item-mall), and a Forsaken Ninja Shuriken(if you cant afford the Ninja Shuriken,use a Giant Wheel Huuma from the item-mall also).The Ashura is for magical attacking, and also so you can wield a shield with a Golden Thief Bug on it.Put 3 Kingrings on the Ashura, and 2 Turtle Generals, an Incantation Samurai, and a Civil Servant on the Huuma/Ninja Shuriken.
You'll really only need one shield as a Ninja, and that is a Gaurd(from the item-mall)with a Golden Thief Bug(GTB) on it for stopping magic from those High Wizard/Professors/other Magic Ninjas. /lv
(Forsaken Ninja Boots/Forsaken King's Boots) For my boots, I have a Fallen Bishop Hibram(FBH) and an Antique Firelock. The FBH gives +10% MATK, but reduces SP by 50%. It also increases damage done on Angel and Demi-Human monsters by 50%. The FBH affect of taking your SP kinda sucks, so THAT is why I put the Antique Firelock there and not another FBH. The Antique Firelock gives +2 STR and +10% HP and SP.(makes up SOME of the SP lost from FBH, and gives a nice little HP boost which Ninjas need). If you want to get that extra +10% MATK and damage on Demi-Humans, go ahead and put a second FBH on, but the SP will only be about 1k with 300 INT.
(Forsaken Ninja/Forsaken King's) This is kind of more personal preference than anything. I use a Skoll and a Raydric card, the Skoll reduces Vit Defence by 40%, gives another +6% HP, and gives +1 Perfect Dodge. The Raydric increases resistance to Neutral property attacks by 20%. You can and should put a Hollowring card here instead of one of these two if you have 2 FBH on your boots(+12% SP and +10% SP makes up even more of the SP eaten by the two FBH cards). The Skoll also reduces the damage done from Thana and Icepick users, which is a great plus. If you aren't too fast with the Shadow Jump, just put a SinX card on the cloak instead of the Hollow or Raydric. It allows you to use Lv.3 Cloak, which makes you move a bit slower but no doubt is a help. :D
For my accessories, I wear a Forsaken Belt of Intelligence, and two Clip[1]s(can be bought from the item-mall,or at vendors at @go11). I compound one of the the Clip[1]s with a Smokie card, so I don't have to use Vanishing Slash to use Shadow Jump or Shadow Slash, just use the Hiding spell. If you don't want to use the Shadow Jump(which I recommend using) go ahead and put another Forsaken Belt of Intelligence. If you can't afford Forsaken Belts, just go ahead and go with trusty Non-Donation Intelligence belts. ^^;. For the second Clip[1], I put a Horong card there to be able to use the Sight spell to reveal those with SinX card cloaking abilities and regular Assassin Cross.
Now that the hard part is out of the way, time for the short and boring part.
This is where personal preference is most important. Would you rather have high HP and a bit lower INT and MATK? Or be a dominating Ninja that has 1 shot of HP in him/her?(I'm somewhere inbetween). I have High Intelligence(won't tell EXACTLY how much) and enough VIT so that if my Cicada Skin Shedding wears off and I don't realize, I can put it back on and maybe withstand an Asura(MAYBE). Basic things are; 150 DEX(For Autocasting spells)195 ASPD(helps with spamming skills) and enough STR to carry your equipment and Yggdrasil Berries. The reason I don't tell EXACTLY what stats I have, is so that I dont have a bunch of Ninjas JUST ALIKE or very similar to me. Kind of ruins the game if you know EXACTLY what to do right? It's fun to experiment ^^; .
These will be short explanations of skills to use, and simple explanations of them.
Cicada Skin Shedding; This spell is a MUST HAVE for Ninjas. It's what makes them near invincible in 1v1 melee combat. At level 5, it helps you evade 3 attacks, lasts 50 seconds, and makes you jump back 7 tiles in the oppisite direction you were attacked in. This only works for MELEE AND RANGED attacks, so don't expect to dodge magic with this. This is a good skill, until you get cornered or backed up against a wall, then it's up to your quick thinking to find a way off the wall.
Flip Tatami; This skill is a Ranged blocking skill. If a sniper/Stalker is firing a bow at you, activate this skill and youll protect yourself from Ranged attacks for 3 seconds. But if you move, then the affect is cancelled and you must activate it again. It can also push back enemies close to you. At level 5, it has a 3 cell range and a 150% ATK boost for the pushing affect.
Soul; This is a simple skill. It raises your INT and STR by the skill level it is. So at lv 5, it raises INT and STR by 5. Nice little power boost ^^; . It also readies you for Illusory Shadow, and Final Strike.
Shadow Jump; If you put the Smokie card on the Belt[1] like I suggested, just active Hiding and use this skill to jump to any tile within 15 tiles of where you're standing. Good for getting close to enemies and using Lightning Strike of Destruction and Falling Frozen Icicle. I've even used this skill to jump onto the same tile as another enemy, and use Crimson Fire Formation to trap them.
Illusory Shadow; You use this skill to avoid hits, at lv 10 it dodges 5 ranged or melee attacks, and lasts 240 seconds. This uses up your Soul affect, so if you want Soul back, activate it again ;D. This also uses up a Shadow Orb as a catalyst(You can buy Burning,Wind,Ice,and Shadow from the item-mall).
Frozen Falling Icicle; Use this skill for an Area of Attack spell(AoE). It gives +350% MATK, and has a 60% Freeze chance at lv 5. It has a 7x7 range, so you can use it at a fairly safe range. It uses 1 Freezing Orb as a catalyst.
Lightning Strike of Destruction; This is my favorite Ninja skill, because it can be spammed very fast. It uses 1 Wind Orb, and at level 5 it has +360% MATK, and has a 9x9 cell range, so it has even more distance and power than Frozen Falling Icicle, but cannot Freeze anyone. This is a Wind Element attack.
Hidden Water; This is a nice spell for slowing down people rushing towards you. Not very good for anything else unless your teamed with a Professor or a Wizard, or somebody with an Improved Elephant Hat. This has the same affect as Deluge, but has a 9x9 area of affect, lasts 60 seconds, and takes away 8 AGI from anybody inside its range , unless they are in your party or are another Ninja. The spells Aqua Benedicta and Water Ball can be used on this spell, and your spell Lightning Spear of Ice has additional power if casted while standing on this spell.
Kamaitachi; This is a HARD hitting Wind spell. It has +600% MATK, and has a damage range of 9 cells. Good for when there is a few enemies standing close together, and you want to hit them at a greater range than with a Lightning Strike of Destruction or Falling Frozen Icicle.
Bright Crimson Fire; This is a good spell for stunning enemies, then following up with a stronger spell. At level 10, it delivers 10 hits and has +900% MATK total. It is a Fire Elemental spell.
Crimson Fire Formation; This summons a firestorm around you, protecting you(or for the more creative trapping others), and deals damage until it runs out or the hits have been done. At level 10 it deals 9 hits.
Wind Blade; This is simple, it throws blades of wind at an enemy. At level 10 it has 6 hits, and is decently power placed somewhere between Bright Crimson Fire and Lightning Spear of Ice.
Lightning Spear of Ice; This is a nice spam skill. Each spear should do +70% MATK damage, but for some reason it is glitched and does about 90%-100% MATK per spear. Very simple ^^;
Thank you for reading, or even skimming my guide. If there is anything I missed or you want me to clarify, please do comment. I wasn't sure if I should have added a section about various ways to defeat different class enemies? Not sure if that would ruin the fun of experimentation. Well once again, this is my first guide and I hope all who read it like it ^^;. /lv /kis.
Credits to Forum~ for telling me about the Clips, and the SinX card instead of a Raydric or Skoll for those not too fast with Shadow Jump. He also reminded me about the power glitch for Lightning Spear of Ice. Thanks Forum~.