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About iGloomy

  • Birthday 08/24/1993

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Apprentice (2/10)



  1. Hello. [:

    Just wanted to say your drawing are super pretty and that I still want one, but I don't have money! D:<

  2. like most books made into movies the book was 10000000x better. the movie just lacked too much detail that was important to the story :/
  3. well i always see people using the broadcast to do other stuff than advertise, then the message "PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE THE BROADCASTER" so, my suggestion is to use a broadcaster that has options instead of text input. the server i played before had a broadcaster where you choose whether you want to buy, sell, trade, recruit, etc. then, you'd input the item id and how many you want to sell/buy. then you could either put a set price or put 0 so it would say "PM offers". also, broadcasting was free but limited to one broadcast per hour. for custom broadcasts, people would use donation tokens to buy broadcast scrolls. just a suggestion, the broadcasting system there was pretty smooth, so ~(owo)~
  4. ohhh, so something like 150 x however long it is? kai got it 8D;;
  5. ah okay xD so like, avi sized but for a sig...uh..like nyanko's but a bit smaller?o.o; i have a hard time understanding, sorry XD "OTL
  6. lold i finished your commish, check your pm O:
  7. @Apo almost done with your commission, just shading in things now >w< @rinrin oh yeah, i think i misread your post before but did you want me to make you an avi based on that pic or draw it then put it into an avi?
  8. iGloomy

    I Draw Stuff.

  9. girl or boy? hahah |D im a feesh o3o
  10. back sorry i'll start working on them again on wednesday, so please check back then >< btw rate siggeh plz, tried adding a border for the lulz
  11. @muffin master : thanks :D @ ppl who ordered/want to order : i won't be able to work on commissions this weekend, i have to go to a church retreat right after school and i'll be back on sunday. i'll work on commissions when i get back though, sorry! "OTL
  12. Ikr. Oh so pain. Anyway yeah good luck on your shop, it's getting attention. :P

  13. @rinrin : okay, and yeah :D @gen0cide : alright, take your time :p
  14. @kuoch : alright, lemme put you inna slot :D @rinrin : vertical sig...so same dimensions as my avi right? sorry i'm so noob lol
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