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About EnderDragon

  • Birthday 10/27/1978

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    None yet

EnderDragon's Achievements


Apprentice (2/10)



  1. It is good to have the reassurance from the GMs and Admins. I posted a step by step donation guide for paypal users in the guides section. If anyone else is having issues like Method Man above me, take a quick look at it, I included the support e-mail address in the thread as well. If people are not seeing it, maybe we can ask the admins to put the thread somewhere everyone will see? Also, @Method Man, I just got my items today, and I donated 9 days ago, be patient and you will get them.
  2. What do you mean by "Fixed" Tao Gunka card? what was wrong with it?
  3. Welcome to fRO my good man. (I've always wanted to call someone My Good Man, or My Good Fellow I'll have to use that one next) question though, what is the renewal system? I've only been on for about a month (i think) and have never heard of it.
  4. I was just ranting about my mood for the irony. You guys can close this topic at any time. A few of my friends got their laugh out of it.
  5. Making the EMP required pieces would mean only the people who WoE would ever be able to get these, and only at their Guild leaders discretion. Now I am not saying the leader would intentionally hold out on his guildmates, but they could pick and choose who got these items and who would not.
  6. I'd say go with the Kobold Sniper Hat, the 40% damage really adds up. Plus you can always get different aura.
  7. I have been playing for a few weeks and decided I should come say hi. So hello to the FRo boards and community. I've already met a few really nice players in WizMania and al|c3 (who also has a Sniper who's name I forget atm). Look for Ajax, ~Vash~ or BlackJack (my Wiz, GS and Sniper). I hope to make some friends here, because some people have just been complete jerks. (Not sure of what I can and can't post on the forums here, so I'll keep it clean.)
  8. That is reassuring to hear. I was starting to worry, I donated last Saturday and got stuff for myself and my brother, I had hoped to get him his stuff before WoE on Wed, at least I should have it for him before WoE on Sat now. Thank you Genesis.
  9. EnderDragon

    Mood Rant

    This isn't really much of a Rant, but I cannot seem to change my mood... and for some reason it actually annoys me.
  10. I guess the people who have nothing better to do with their lives than attempt to make themselves feel better by PKing someone need a server too. I would almost feel sorry for them if the weren't such incredible a holes, or if I gave a crap about such pathetic losers.
  11. It is easily fixed by them turning off this PVP bull on regular maps. Keep it in PvP rooms and WoE.
  12. EnderDragon


    Where did they go... Weren't they just there yesterday?
  13. Not those /\ frost wings, these \/ icy wings PvP Wings they look like Capt Hitsugaya's wings from Hyorinmarus Bankai
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