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  1. Innovation


    This isn't the forum for suggestions. And I do believe this suggestion was made already. Topic Closed. Refer to http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=16788 to the original suggestion thread.
  2. That's enough ranting about the server. Closed.
  3. Innovation

    Emy's Gallery

    Please check the last posting date before reviving old topics. Thank you!
  4. Post hidden. This isn't a thread to bash on the WS class. Keep it on the subject of whether Cart Boost should be dispel-able or not.
  5. Looks like this is already being worked on. Accepted, and closed.
  6. It seems like this has already been accepted and will be released soon. Closed.
  7. The suggestion forum area was made for players to give input on how GMs and the general staff can make fRO better. I'm closing this because ths has the potential for flaming on the server.
  8. Innovation


    Request granted. Closed.
  9. Please do not revive dead topics. Look at the last post date before making a reply.
  10. Innovation


    His account block status is not a laughing matter. G-Dragon, if you are still concerned about this, file a ticket. I'm closing this.
  11. Innovation


    Like player cirrus mentioned, there are probably reasons why they are allowed to ladder again, and this shouldn't be a topic of public discussion. If you have evidence of a player cheating that was once on that list, or if you have any personal concerns about this, I would recommened PMing a GM via the forums about this instead of through a topic. Closed.
  12. I'll honor your request Tee-chan and close this thread and move it to "Rejected". If you want to see this suggestion persued again, feel free to make a new topic about it.
  13. It does not make sense to have 2 topics when they are essentially covering the same subject - posting pictures for members. The next post better be someone's picture.
  14. Since it seems like Pat's suggestion was passed, the two threads were merged to avoid confusion and furthermore to maintain a clean Assorted section. Let's just make sure we keep the drama to a minimum here. Review the rules if you're unsure of making a post, otherwise you will be punished, and actions will be taken. Thanks.
  15. Innovation


    I can moderate it. I'm not sure whether opening it back up is in my jurisdiction/authority to do though.
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