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Everything posted by Barnzy

  1. Ok so here is my design i used zeus cause he has to be one of the more known i might do a loki as well. Software used: Photoshop CS3 Theme! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeus Greek Mythology Render used! http://www.fanpop.com/spots/greek-mytholog...7267/title/zeus IGN! God† Jesus† Forum Name! Barnzy
  2. anime/games
  3. kingdom hearts is one of the best games iv'e ever played squaresoft (now squarenix) Make the best games ever :heart:
  4. Barnzy

    Sup Guys

    Hey im Alec (barnzy) Barnes im from aus and iv been playing for 5-6 years started on wolf RO and when that closed down i went from server to server and now im at this one dont be shy in game to say hello i wont bite. my characters are god† and jesus† but i need help im not sure what to go as for jesus cause there is a list of things like: jesus was a carpenter: black-smith jesus could do magic: wizard or he could heal the sick: Priest So vote in the poll the poll will close 2morrow
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